Page 52 of His Mafia Queen

“Who do you think did it?” he asked.

“Probably just some drunk who wandered in after hours.” I wanted to dismiss his concerns. I grinned. “That was five years ago. Nothing has happened since. It’s a closed case. Nothing to worry about.”

Parker nodded. “Right. Just covering all the bases.”

“What do you think? Are you interested?”

The question hung between us. I felt like an idiot waiting on my best friend to bail me out of my father’s financial mistakes. It was the best option I had.

“Fuck, yes. I’ll buy it.”

“Sight unseen?” I questioned him.

“Yes, I’ve wanted to do some expansion. We never do anything but whiskey and sugar. That’s all it is. But don’t tell Chelsea. We’ll head to France this weekend and make an actual vacation out of it. I’ll have John get in touch with Paul about the contracts. It’s a fair deal?”

“Of course. You’re my oldest friend.” I smiled at him. I felt like I could breathe again. “You’re going to love it. Maybe you’ll be the one to stay over there.”

He laughed. “Somehow I don’t think anyone ever really gets to leave New Orleans.”

“That might be true. But I’m learning to expect surprises.”

I looked at my phone and smiled. The alarm had just beeped. Kennedy was about to receive her first surprise of the day.