Page 74 of Demon Kept

Both fey grunted.

“Yeah, smart move,” Hannah said. “I think it’s better to let Eden be the first female to give in to it. That girl’s vagina is going to break soon if Ghua can’t find another hole to fill.”

“Hannah, please,” Emily said. “Use your eyes. Shelby’s uncomfortable with this topic.”

Hannah’s expression immediately shifted to remorse.

“Hey, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I kind of like how open everyone is about things going on behind closed doors. It feels safer in a way.”

Hannah moved to sit beside me. “I heard about your bruises and can imagine what happened behind your closed doors,” she said with a brutal honesty that painfully laid me bare.

“I tried killing myself not too long ago,” she continued. “Actually, I was killing myself slowly long before that. Brenna gave me some advice that I didn’t believe. She told me to talk about it. She said the more it hurt, the more I didn’t want to talk about it, the more I needed to get it out. She was right. So, I might be a little too open now in my attempts to purge everything and fix the mess that it still feels like I have going on up here.” She tapped her temple. “If you ever need a non-judgmental ear, I’ll listen. So will Emily, Brenna, her mom… Hell, there isn’t a woman in Tolerance who wouldn’t wrap you in a hug and listen to your story.” She patted my knee. “Whenever you’re ready.”


“Meanwhile, I highly recommend sex therapy and feight club. If I can’t exercise it out of you there, they’ll be able to wear you out in the bedroom.”

“Hannah, you were doing so well,” Emily said with an amused shake of her head.

The door opened suddenly, and Merdon strode in, looking as angry as ever.

Hannah popped up from her spot on the couch and lifted the box in her palm. Her smile never wavered from her face as he stalked toward her.

“I am not trying to manipulate you. I love you, and I want to experience something new and maybe very enjoyable with you. It might hurt, though. So, you’ll need to be careful with me the first time. Want to go upstairs and try this out?”

“Yeah, I don’t think headphones are going to be enough for this one. I’m heading to Mary and James’s.”

“James and Mary aren’t taking visitors for a while,” Turik said. “Mary heard our questions and said Randy Stallion was going to be visiting, and she wouldn’t be up for company after the ride.”

“What were you asking about?” Emily asked.

Turik and Vorx shared a look then stared at me.

Understanding dawned.

“Anal sex,” I said.

“Oh, God. I think I just threw up in my mouth,” Hannah said with a horrified look on her face. “This is going to have to wait.” She tossed the box over her shoulder and went to the kitchen. “Where’s the therapy chocolate?”

Emily’s face was stunned, and she didn’t answer.

Merdon walked over to Hannah and found the chocolate she was frantically searching for.

“Who is Randy Stallion, and why is his visit upsetting Hannah?” Turik said, coming to stand beside me.


Hannah pluggedher ears and started singing.

“That’s not something I’m prepared to explain,” I said calmly. “I think it’s time for us to go home.”

Emily managed a weak goodbye as we left. Hannah was too busy asking the ceiling, “Why?” to notice.

“The topic I don’t really want to discuss is something that I’d say at least half of all women don’t want to consider. Ever. Which means that it’s a sensitive topic that needs to be approached with care. Definitely not something to discuss in mixed company. Do you understand? Be careful who you talk to and who can hear, or you might upset someone.”

Both fey grunted but still looked confused.