Page 62 of Demon Kept

“I’m not sure. How much did you want me to understand?”

Her face flushed scarlet while Hannah patted Ghua on the shoulder.

“You’re a perfect gentleman, Ghua. Make sure she explains each item to you. A bet’s a bet. Let me know how it goes when you drop off my gift.”

He picked up the flaming Eden without another word and started jogging away. At least twenty other fey swarmed from the shadows to join them.

“Are they going on a supply run at the sex toy store?” I asked just to make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding the conversation.

“They sure are,” Hannah said. “Need anything?”

I glanced at Vorx and Turik, who were standing not far away with a rather stoic-looking fey a few inches taller than they were.

“No. I think I’m good for now.”

“Which one were you looking at?” Angel asked, wiping her eyes. “I couldn’t tell.”

“I’m living with both of them,” I said vaguely.

“Ooh. Two for the price of one. Lucky girl. Terri’s living the sweet life too.”

“Heard Groth gave her a boob rub while Azio watched,” Hannah said. “Fey willing to share are rare.”

“The sweet things wouldn’t need to share if there were more willing women.” Angel reached out and gave my arm a squeeze. “Good on you if you can handle two. They deserve every bit of happiness they can wrangle.”

It was my turn to stare at the pair.

“I can’t decide if I’m being pranked or encouraged.”

“Neither,” Angel said firmly. “We’re letting you know we don’t judge here.”

“Um. Okay. Thanks, I think.”

I glanced at Vorx and Turik again. Vorx was smirking, and Turik was giving me a heated look. When I faced Hannah and Angel again, both women were grinning at me.

“Oh, yeah, you’re going to have your hands full. You might want to have your fey raid the storage shed for extra ice cube trays. Heard that’s what Ghua did for Eden.”

“About that. Does she know her sex life is common knowledge?”

“Oh, yeah,” Hannah said with a laugh.

“Don’t worry,” Angel said. “Hers isn’t the only one. They’re learning that a bit of rough play can turn a girl on, thanks to Hannah, and that doggie-style is more enjoyable to some women, thanks to me, and about periods, and so much more from us all. They take it in, compare notes, and use the information to be the best, most-loving men for their women. All we need to do is love them back with equal intensity, and they’re in heaven. Right, babe?” She shifted her gaze to the fey, who moved to stand next to her.

“Exactly,” he said, carefully picking her up.

She grinned at me.

“Yesterday, Shax picked me up too quickly, and I peed a little. He learned. Now they all know. Pregnant bladders aren’t the strongest.”

He grunted.

“Onward, my mighty steed.”

Hannah snorted. “Now he’s going to be thinking about you riding him.”

“I know,” Angel said with a wicked smile as she toyed with his ear. “And he’s going to want to run home with me but won’t because it makes me queasy.”

Shax made a growly noise and kissed her hard.