Page 91 of Demon Kept

“You can take her to the office,” he said before walking away.

I made a distinctly annoyed face at being ignored—again—and silently stewed as Turik carried me down the hall to the makeshift exam room.

“Don’t worry, Shelby,” Turik said, finally letting go of me. “Cassie will know how to fix you.”

“I love you Turik, but right now, I’m not having very loving thoughts for either of you. It was just a wince.”

“We’ve both watched you. We know what it looks like when we go too deep or thrust too hard. This was a new look. This was pain.”

“It wasn’t pain, it was discomfort and probably due to a little overuse yesterday. Wasn’t eight times the magic number that had Eden sitting on ice? But no, you couldn’t just think, ‘Hey, maybe we need to cut back,’ like a normal person would, or offer me some damn ice. No, you rolled me up like a cigar and carted me off to the doctor before dawn. For a wince!” I ended in an agitated whisper.

The first hint of doubt finally crept into Turik’s expression.

“Listen, I know that what happened last week scared you both. It scared me too. But a very smart person told me that we can’t live our lives in fear. That it holds us back from seeing the potential of our futures. You need to ease up. Like maybe no more standing outside the bathroom door. I thought I’d be okay with it, but I’m not ten percent of the time.”

“Good morning,” a sleep-tousled red head said tiredly as she entered the room. “What seems to be the problem?”

“Nothing,” I said quickly. “We’re truly sorry for waking you up.”

Her gaze flicked to my guys, who were sharing another long look.

“I think we hurt Shelby,” Turik said finally, and I dropped my head in my hands. Flames of embarrassment licked at my face.

“Okay. Out. Both of you. The kids are going to wake up soon, and Kerr could use the help.”

They left quickly, and she closed the door behind them. Facing me, she smiled kindly and took in my wrapped appearance.

“Naked?” she asked.

“Yep. They didn’t let me get dressed first. I’m not even sure they heard me.”

“Likely, they can hear you just fine now. Those ears are wickedly keen. Why don’t you tell me what has them so worried?”

The flush in my face intensified but I ignored it.

“I winced during intercourse. It wasn’t painful. Just a little sore.”

“Totally understandable,” she said with an easy nod. “How many times a day are you…?”

“Eight yesterday. The wince was during the first time this morning.”

“I see. Did you do anything new yesterday? New angle? Position?”

“Nope. And they’re always very careful.”

“They? Are you having intercourse with both at the same time?”

A choked sound escaped me.

“Hell no. Both of them are super-sized. I’m stretched with one hole stuffed. No thank you on two. It’s one at a time for this girl.”

Cassie held up her hands. “Even if it weren’t, I’m not judging. Just troubleshooting. Frankly, I’m not a gynecologist. There’s not a whole lot I know about the topic outside my own experiences and what others have shared.” She stood and rummaged through the cabinets and took out a box. “Which means I’d like you to consider taking this.”

She handed me a pregnancy test, and I felt my stomach drop.

“Seriously?” I asked quietly, my stunned thoughts churning.

It couldn’t be possible. Nat had removed my IUD eight days ago. Or was it ten now? Either way, it was definitely less than two weeks. I shouldn’t have had time to ovulate yet, should I?