Page 69 of Demon Kept

Withholding the face I wanted to make, I marched to the master bedroom and pulled out some warm clothes. That was when I noticed Turik’s things were missing.

“What’s going on?” I called.

This time, Turik appeared in the doorway.

“Why are your clothes gone?” I demanded.

“To keep things equal, like you said, I asked our brothers to bring back one of the clean mattresses from the lake house. We all have our own rooms, but we can keep sleeping in Vorx’s bed or here or wherever you want. It’s up to you.”

“What if I want to sleep alone?”

He flashed his teeth at me.

“You would toss and turn for a while and eventually call for us to join you. Do you want to try that tonight?”

“You’re just as cocky as Vorx. How did I not see that until now?”

He chuckled before glancing around the room.

“Azio said that Terri likes their sex to be private from Groth.” He shrugged lightly. “Your bruises are fading, and we wanted you to have private space for sex when you’re ready.”

I gave a relieved laugh.

“Well, that answers the one question I’ve been too chicken to ask. I thought you both wanted to have sex with me at the same time and was trying not to panic at the prospect. I wouldn’t mind oral and vaginal, but anal is something I’ve never—”

“That’s possible?” he asked.

Too late, I realized my mistake. Despite all the talk about anal beads and plugs and sex toys yesterday, the fey didn’t know about any of it, which explained Eden’s panic.

A flush consumed my face as I imagined all the information sharing that would take place today.

“I’d rather not talk about this anymore. In fact, can we pretend this conversation never happened? Please?”

He nodded slowly. “Of course.”

I could see he wasn’t forgetting the conversation, though. He was thinking about it so hard that I wasn’t sure he could see me anymore.


I hurried from the bedroom.When I reached the kitchen, Vorx gave me a slow, smirking smile that made my insides go crazy.

“You heard nothing.”

“I heard everything, my Shelby.”

“I’m not hungry. Can we just go now?”

Turik grunted behind me and plucked me off my feet.

“When are you going to give us your full trust? The thing we aren’t talking about scared you. We can see that. Vorx likes to tease. The more you worry about this, the more he will tease. But he will never take what’s not given. Neither of us will. Now eat.”

He plunked me down in the chair and sat next to me. Vorx took the other side but kept sliding me glances while he ate his meat.

“There’s no chance you’re going to forget what you heard, is there?”

“Never,” Vorx said. “I’m too curious and have so many questions.”

“Well, don’t look to me for answers. It’s not my area of expertise.”