“It’s creepy to dream of you wanting me as much as I want you?”
“It’s creepy to tell a woman you’re going to masturbate while you watch her sleep. I don’t want you watching me sleep. And I definitely don’t want you watching me and touching yourself at the same time.”
He shot Vorx an annoyed look before addressing me again.
“Solin watches Brooke sleep while he strokes his cock. If she wakes up before he finishes, she will offer to use her hands or mouth if she is too sore to let him sink his—”
“Stop! What is with you guys? Boundaries. Please. I don’t want to hear about other people’s sex lives or your plans to touch yourself. I’ve had one hell of a day and just want to get some sleep.”
Turik grunted and picked up his pace.
Ducking deeper into my jacket, I hurried along with them. All I wanted was a bed, a pillow, and a whole heck of a lot of undisturbed silence. Which may or may not happen now. I glanced between Vorx and Turik and reminded myself that the fey respected boundaries. Neither would touch me without permission. And even though Vorx was still smirking at Turik almost as if he was silently goading Turik on, I felt like he would step in and tell Turik to knock it off now that I’ve said I wouldn’t like it. Maybe.
Either way, sleeping in a house not filled with people was a novelty I wanted to embrace. Two fey roommates were plenty. Two felt extra safe without being overwhelming. And I really liked the sound of that.
The house once again struck me as magazine-worthy when I entered, and I struggled to believe I would be able to call this place home on a permanent basis. The house Nat and I had lived in before the earthquakes had been nice enough if a little small. This place, though, was a spacious, well-decorated luxury in comparison.
I stripped out of my jacket and boots, letting the comfortable warmth wrap around me. It was enough heat that I wouldn’t need to sleep fully dressed for the first time in a very long time. That thought collided with the recollection that I’d agreed to sleep in Turik’s bed with him…before he told me he planned to stare at me all night while he masturbated.
My gaze drifted to the couch, which looked comfortable enough, then to Turik, who was watching me far too closely.
“What are the chances of me sleeping on the couch without you staring at me throughout the night?” I asked.
“Not good,” Vorx answered before Turik could.
“That’s what I figured. I don’t suppose I could sleep by myself tonight? A lot of things have changed in the last twenty-four hours, and I’d like some time to adjust to it all.”
Turik didn’t hide his disappointment, but he didn’t seem mad either when he agreed to sleep on the couch.
“Thank you. Could I borrow a shirt to sleep in while I wash what I’m wearing? And maybe use the shower?”
“This is your home, too. You don’t need to ask to use anything,” Turik said. “I’ll show you where my shirts are.”
He led the way to the master bedroom and opened a drawer full of clean t-shirts.
“Everything I have is yours,” he said, gesturing. “And I will not watch you sleep tonight. I promise. But if you wake up and are afraid, promise you will call for me. I want you to know you are safe here.”
The sincerity in his gaze set my chest tightening with gratitude.
“Thank you, Turik. I will. I promise.”
He grunted and headed for the door. As soon as I knew I was alone, I closed myself in the bathroom, more than ready to wash away the reminders of my past life.
However, some things wouldn’t wash away.
The filth of not bathing for several days did, but not the bruises. The ones that decorated my stomach with vivid yellows and purples and more muted browns were the most recent. A few older ones trailed my hips and upper thighs, and a couple more lightly discolored my ribs. Small ones dotted my breasts—fingermarks from Nat’s punishing grip.
There was no washing away my past with him.
I turned off the water and looked down at myself, feeling overwhelming defeat. The bruises would fade with time, but would the fear? I doubted it. Nat had to be awake by now. Would he remember what happened? Would he know where to look for me? I tried to tell myself I was in a house hidden among countless other houses, but it didn’t help.
I’d tried running when we’d first gotten married. A friend of a friend had a place out in the middle of nowhere. Nat had found me, and no one had heard my begging and sobbing for the days that followed. I hadn’t tried leaving since then.
Lost in thought, I opened the glass shower door and reached for the towel on the counter. Before I touched it, a noise sounded to my right like a mix of a pained hiss and a growl. I turned my head so fast that hair lashed my face. But it didn’t prevent me from seeing Turik.
He stood in front of the linen closet just inside the door. The blanket he held fell to the floor as he took a step in my direction. My gaze flew to his. Anger unlike anything I’d ever witnessed darkened his expression.
Panic squeezed the air from my lungs, and I retreated a step.