“I think I understand. You have dinner with a female, and she’s supposed to make conversation with you while you eat. That seems simple enough. When is it your turn?”
He shrugged and played with his soup.
“Emily ran out of volunteers. Brooke is going to teach art to the females. She needs a male model. Solin said that Brooke likes sketching his cock, and the model will be able to show his cock to the women. Maybe one of them will like my cock if my name is drawn.”
I realized I had my spoon partway to my mouth as I stared at him and slowly lowered it. Never in my life had I heard “cock” used conversationally, and he’d managed to drop it three times in a row.
“You’re going to be a nude model?”
“Yes. If my name is drawn. Many of my brothers want to model, too. Solin says that Brooke’s…special place gets hot and wet when she draws him.”
“Oh, boy. You all really do information share, don’t you?”
“Okay, here’s some information for you. Make sure you share this with all your brothers, too. Women want to know that they are more than living sex toys. We want to be wanted for our thoughts and our humor and whatever we’re good at—like Brooke’s drawing. It’s great to be physically attracted to a girl, but you have to wait until at least the third date before you start having the level of open conversation like we’re having. So no talking about your brothers’ sex lives or anything related to your genitals or female genitalia.”
Tor nodded.
“That’s why Emily made conversation cards. The females can ask us about our favorite colors and foods, and we can turn the question to them.” He paused for a minute. “I like the word genitals.”
“So, what’s your favorite color?” I asked, steering the conversation in a safer direction.
“Blue like the sky when there are no clouds. It sometimes gets so bright it hurts to look at it, but it’s beautiful. I like watching the clouds, too. I didn’t know there was so much movement in a sky.”
“I didn’t realize how much I would miss just staring at the sky until I was shut away from it. Being in the bunker for a few months was tough. I couldn’t imagine not seeing the sky for years. Or ever. It must have been breathtaking the first time you saw it.”
“It took my breath and my vision. There was much pain.”
I smiled.
“I meant awe-inspiring.”
“Yes. It was.” He considered me for a moment. “Females think we are odd for wanting one of them so badly. Angel said it shows our desperation, and no female likes that. But females are like the sky. We never saw one until we came here. They are awe-inspiring every time we look at one of them. But they don’t act like the sky. We can’t watch them and enjoy their beauty. They don’t welcome our gaze. They shake with fear or spit at us.”
“Wow. That’s the prettiest and saddest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Sad? No. They are only angry.”
“That’s what makes it so sad. You only want to get to know us, and we’re shooting you down before ever giving you a chance. I never thought of how unique and interesting I would be to someone who’s never seen anything like me. Your interest in our physical differences makes so much more sense. I’m surprised you’re still interested in any female after the way some have treated you.”
“When the sky pours freezing rain on me, I don’t think it’s less beautiful. It’s only angry. And the anger will calm, and it will show me its pretty colors again.”
“That’s a really nice way of looking at it. You need to figure out how to work that analogy into your dinner conversation. If it doesn’t pull at her heartstrings, I don’t know what will. It definitely tugged at mine.”