Page 70 of Demon Discord

“Good. I’m happy for you. Sad for us, though. Things just haven’t been the same with you gone.”

We sorted through the blankets then went to the basement to sort through the baby clothes. I took what I thought was fair then told her she’d do well to trade the rest to fey since they were very interested in having families someday.

“Is that why you want the baby clothes? Are you thinking of starting one of your own?”

I smiled, letting the joy I felt show.

“We are.”

“Congratulations then.” She smiled, but she looked more worried than happy.

“I left Tolerance’s wall, you know. To see what it’s like out there. To face my fears. It’s not pretty. The infected are still there and want their due. They’re smart, just like Bobby and Bram say they are. But with the fey, there’s hope. We can’t keep living like there’s not. Every fey here kept me safe, and I know they’ll keep any children I’m lucky enough to have safe too.”

Her smile widened.

“That’s good to know. Think any of them are into silver surfing?”

“Grandma!” Bobby yelled with a groan.

She winked at me.

“The itch never dies. It just needs to be scratched less frequently.”

“I’m done.” Bobby ran out of the basement, and I laughed with Grandma.

When we had three totes full of various baby clothes, we headed upstairs with our haul.

Abi, Danielle, and Greyly were just coming in. The little girl’s eyes went wide at the sight of the fey, and she hid behind Abi’s legs.

“Abi. Danielle. This is Groth, one of my new housemates.” I glanced at Azio. “And this is Azio. My…”

I wasn’t sure what to call him. A boyfriend label seemed a little weak since we were already talking about making a baby together. But “husband” seemed too fake or staged, considering I’d just left mine.

“Azio is my forever,” I said.

He leaned in and brushed a kiss on my forehead. “And you are mine.”

“That’s really nice, Terri. I’m happy for you,” Danielle said. Her gaze shifted between me, Groth, and Azio. “I didn’t realize they share houses over there too.”

“Some do. Some don’t. It depends on the fey, I think. I’m glad Azio and Groth live together, though. It’s more fun with three of us.”

The door had opened for the last part, and with an angry expression, Wayne entered the kitchen.

“You make me sick, Terri. I didn’t believe what they were telling me. Fucking one isn’t bad enough? You need to fuck two?”

Groth growled, and I grinned.

“No. Just the one. He’s more than enough for me. The rest are here because they’re genuinely nice people. Something you used to be a long time ago.”

He shook his head at me. “I don’t even know you anymore.”

“I’m starting to wonder if you ever did. I’m happy, Wayne. I hope you can eventually find happiness, too.”

I looked at Azio, who was glaring at Wayne. “His loss is your gain. Are you ready to take me home?”

Azio grunted and picked me up bride style in front of my ex.

“Are you still sore?” my handsome grey fey asked.