Page 95 of Heated Caress

“To get Mia.”

* * *

I’ve never been so fucking scared in my life. My hold on my famed cold and cool demeanor slips with every mile. When I pull up outside the warehouse, Nicolo is on my tail. I don’t wait. My heart is trying to escape my chest as blood roars in my ears.

Mia. My sweetness doesn’t deserve to be touched by anyone or anything she doesn’t want. Not even me.

I pull my gun, flick off the safety and kick my way in.

And I come to a stop, almost falling to my knees.

It’s like I’ve been punched in the stomach.


A man.

She stands, her gun in her hand, the man is on the floor. Dead.


Turning, she looks at me, her eyes are sharp, bright, and there’s a bruise on her cheek.

I look at the body, at her, and then I shoot the dead bastard. Because I need to. Because there’s no one else to kill.

“He was meant to bring me to this Russo,” she says, voice flat. “He touched me. Hit me. He said things. So . . . I shot him. I killed him.”

“They’re going to keep coming.”

“Unless you go after them?”

I go to her, wanting to soothe, to comfort, to hold her, but the others come in. All of them. Nicolo, Diego, Tizio. Her father and brother. Theo. The place fucking swarms and they have her. And me?

I fucking touched her, too. I screwed things up so badly this is what happened. And she doesn’t even look at me.

I just turn and leave.



I don’t know where Christian went after I killed that guy.

Everyone else was too in the way, dragging me out, insisting a doctor they have on staff come and see me.

I don’t need a doctor. I don’t need anything. I just want to go and lick my wounds and try and get over Christian.

Somehow, I doubt that’s possible, but a girl can dream, right?

I’ll live in my country home, surrounded by cats. I like cats. They’re sort of me. Only letting in those they want in. Independent. We can be independent together, me and my million cats.

Or maybe I’ll get a cow and a horse and chicken and live the country life.

Or just build my own club and fix my walls around myself, stronger and better and thicker than before.

I maybe I’ll just curl up and cry until there are no more tears in the world.

Around me my family drive me insane at Theo’s.