Page 85 of Heated Caress

Through the bubble of blood in his mouth and the meaty cheek and the bleeding wounds placed just so by Theo, he laughs. The fucker actually laughs. And that tells me everything.

He knows he’s not getting out.

And he has a message.

But here’s the thing, we’re gonna listen and get him to talk and then? He’s going to beg for death. Pray for it. And maybe, just maybe we’ll keep him here to play with.

I haven’t decided. It’s going to depend on what he has in him to hold out.

This man didn’t rape Mia, didn’t touch my sister, or carve up my sweetness. But he dared to try and hurt her. To burn her. He hurt her by hurting one of her girls. And that wrapped up with the fact I can’t punish the dead means I’m going to really make him pay.

Yeah, I can be a sadistic son of a bitch when I choose.

And I fucking choose.

How much he suffers and for how long will depend on how easily he talks. How long he can last.

Because while I want revenge on a different level to the crime, this man might not last when he gives the message. I hope so. But some just don’t. Still, early days.

I take the pliers and pull out another tooth, and then I toss it. This time, I remove two fingernails and then I stop.

He’s whining again, and I need him to talk.

“Mia,” I say.

“That cunt,” he manages to push out, “got served because of a broken deal. “

I exchange a look with Theo. He shakes his head.

“What deal?” I ask.

But the man has passed out.

Fuck. We slap him awake, but all he does is moan and make wordless sounds and suddenly the need to be the one to kill him goes. He’s gone and given up. And in that second, I know no matter how long I torture him or keep alive, it won’t turn back time, it won’t stop my sister being hurt. Won’t stop Mia’s rape.

I’m utterly disgusted in this guy. “Christ, thought the fucker would have more in him.”

I punch Frank, then I take the knife from Theo and slice off a finger.

The man howls and his head slumps.

Theo dumps more ice water on him. “He’s not going to be fun.”

“Who?” I smack the man. His one good eye flutters open. But it’s unfocused, the pupil blown. “Who the fuck do you work for?”

“Russo.” And then he’s gone again.

“All yours,” I say to Theo.

Theo grins and preps his tank of liquid nitrogen. “I was hoping we could spend hours, but this guy’s gone. So, might as well finish him off.”

We can always tell when they let go. And this one? I could wait and bring him back and torture him over and over and spend days and weeks doing it, but he’s not those monsters. Just a lackey who fucked with the wrong person.

It’s not going to be a nice death, but he’s not going to beg for his life. Guess he’s not as tough as he thought.

As for me?

I’d rather be with Mia than down here.