Page 48 of Heated Caress

I want him to hold me. I want him not to touch me. And that’s my problem, isn’t it? I’m a damn mess of a person that he’s probably glad to run from.

And still, against everything else I feel, I want him to hold me. Just hold me.

I head to bed, and when I finally slip between the covers and try and sleep, despite the heaviness of my eyes, sleep is hard to find.



Mia’s softly curled hand is on my chest, and her heat reaches down and warms parts of me I don’t think have ever been warm before.

The early morning sun weakly shines into her room.

I don’t know what woke me because she’s very easy to sleep with, easy to make me not want to get up.

It’s probably years of early mornings. That, and I’m where I shouldn’t be.

My sweetness shifts, her leg sliding over mine, and she utters a tiny sound.

Then she goes stiff. Her eyes open. And Mia is suddenly wide awake and not at all sleep soft and fuzzy.

“You left. You said you were giving me space.”

“I did. I came back.”

She frowns but doesn’t pull away. This just might be progress. “You said you were gone for the night.”

“I lied.”

“And you’re in my bed.”

“You’re hard to resist. Thorns and prickles and sharpened knives and all. Very hard.”

She groans and buries her face in my chest for a moment.

Her muffled voice rises. “I’m still pissed with you.” Mia raises her head and looks at me, her pretty eyes, half amused, half scared rabbit. Or is that all thirds? Because I see a little warrior queen in there too.

Mia is a world of fascination, and my dick is rock-hard.

I’m not even planning on trying to get up in that.

Okay, I am, just not right now. I’m not that much of a bastard.

“I know, I know. You’re always fucking pissed at me. It’s your thing. It’s cute.”

Her eyes narrow, and this time she pushes up and off me, and I silently mourn that loss. “It’s too early to be weird. I’m half asleep.”

“That explains why you haven’t tried to castrate me.”

Her mouth flickers and flirts with a smile. “Do not tempt me. Or give me ideas.”

“Point taken.” She’s up now, standing next to the bed, and my gaze is on her slender legs, then up to her breasts where her nipples push at the thin fabric.

Of course, she sees me look, and crosses her arms over her chest, looking like the world’s most innocent woman.

With a sigh, I swing my legs off the bed and get up, heading for the door.

“Get ready for the day, plot my demise. And we can make breakfast. I’m gonna do some work, make some calls—”