Page 44 of Heated Caress

“You don’t really want someone like me.”

“Don’t fucking tell me what I do and don’t want.”

She looks me up and down. “You’re saying you want me.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s obvious.” I grab my junk. “Not really something I can hide.”

“Well, I guess there’s no one else for you.”

“There’s a whole fucking club full of women, Mia. Not to mention the city itself. I’m not hard for them.”

“I’m convenient.”

I just shake my head. “Let’s say you are convenient. Fine. But you can’t deny there’s something extra between us. A pull to each other. One that’s simmered for a long time. And now the lid is off, we bubble over. There’s fire. Heat. We ignite something in each other.”

She doesn’t say a damn word.

“And I don’t know about you, sweetness, but this thing we ignite? It’s rare.”

“I’m sure you say that to all your little conquests. I guess with so many, it makes it easier to remember a line than talk to the girl.”

I get up and stalk over to her. “I’ve fucked a lot of women. So what? Doesn’t mean this isn’t something I want. Doesn’t mean you’re not different.”

“Because of my brother?”

“Sweetness, my tastes don’t run that way. And no, I don’t give a shit who your family is, okay? If anything, it might stop me.”

“A bit late for that.”

“Yeah, so.” In that, she’s got a point. “Why are you mad?”

“Because,” she says, spitting the words at me. “You’re the kind of guy who just takes what he wants because he can.”

“Or maybe because it’s what I want.”

I don’t reach for her, no matter how much I want to.

“Go to hell, Christian.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m not having sex with you. We kissed, it got heated.” I touched. Not out of any move to claim her but because I needed to, because it happened. Because she didn’t want me to fuck her, sleep with her. What does she even want from me? “And now what? You want to take out your bad day on me? Fine. Go ahead, I can take it. Just fucking admit it, and stop being a child.”

“I’m not being a child. I’m saying I don’t want this.”

She turns and rushes out, grabbing her bag and is out the front door so fast I can’t do anything but chase after her.

This isn’t over.

Not by a long shot.

Not by any shot at all.



Christian leans against his car when I jump in mine. He looks at ease, like nothing can touch him.

He’s furious. I can see that. It’s in the stillness of him, the fact he doesn’t move, and maybe he’s giving me the space I need. Space so I don’t go and do something stupid like getting myself into a world of hurt over him.