Page 40 of Heated Caress

“Definitely blackmail,” he says. “Note to self, never let Blake show Mia childhood photos.”

I roll my eyes, finding him funny, liking this strange slice of self-deprecation that I haven’t really let myself notice. “Please. Are you trying to tell me you were a geek? Or ugly.”

“I was the epitome of the Ugly Duckling. Have you seen the ballet? It was that, but I also couldn’t dance.”

“Isn’t that a children’s ballet? Or a kid’s book?”

“Maybe I meant Swan Pond.”

His face is straight as he says that.

“The ugly swan version ofSwan Lake?”


I just start to laugh again. “You like ballet?”

His cheeks turn red as he blushes. “Blake danced as a kid. It’s her fault.”

“Uh huh. Totally her fault.”


“You know the swan dies inSwan Lake.”

“Does it?”

“Maybe I mean something else.Godfather on Ice?”

“That’s not a thing, and you’re saying he was ugly as a kid? Marlon Brando?”

“He’s an actor, and it’s an untold story. The Mafia ice capades. It’s very deep.”

“You have the weirdest references, and you’re an idiot.”

“Tell people that, and I’m gonna have to kill you.”

He says this in some kind of gruff voice that he clearly thinks is a dead-on perfect imitation of something. I don’t know what, but it’s terrible, and I’m grinning, I can’t help it. He looks so pleased with himself, and he’s worlds away from the Christian who’s hard as nails and takes what he wants.

And God help me, but I like him.

Maybe there’s more to him than I ever thought. Maybe he’s different from my notions and I misjudged.

Finishing my drink, I stand. I need to get the hell out of here.

Because he’s dangerous.

He always has been. But like this, Christian is deadly because he’s accessible, and if I was stupid, I’d think . . .

I’d think there could be a chance.

There isn’t.

Because a man like him, a man who just might contain happiness, is not for me.

So, I make my goodnights and go inside.

Before I do something stupid.