Page 33 of Heated Caress

“Breakfast, sweetness.”

She’s in jeans and an oversized long-sleeved top. And I still really want to see her tits. I guess that’s a given.

A look of hunger crosses her face, but then she starts to turn. “Not hungry.”


She turns back to me. “Don’t start, Christian. It’s too early.”

“Never too early to get the juices flowing.”


“You didn’t think so when I was inside you. When I fingered you.”

Mia glares. “Not breakfast conversation.”

“I thought you weren’t hungry.”


“I said fucking sit down. Now.” I keep my voice soft, but the command in it is anything but.

Mia is in full brat mode as she sighs dramatically and drops into the seat. She forks the world’s smallest bite into her mouth. She chews and swallows.

“I ate. See?” And she opens her mouth.

I come in close and say into her ear, “Keep that pretty mouth open, and I’ll find something really interesting to put in there.”

Her head jerks, and there’s a flare of fire in her gaze as it meets mine.

“I don’t like you, Christian.”

“Right now, I’m not a fucking fan of yours.” I straighten and point at her plate. “Eat.”


I shrug, pick mine up, lean against the counter, and start to eat. “Fine by me. We can sit here all day long until you do. I don’t mind.”

“I’ve got things to do.”

“Tough. I will say, though, hot eggs are better than cold ones.” I take a bite of my toast. “I’m speaking from experience, just so you know. But hot, cold, straight from the fridge, you’re gonna be eating those fucking eggs.”

She points a fork at me. “I’m not a child.”

“Don’t act like one.”

“Stop being a massive bully.”

“Stop being a brat.” I pause. “I can do this all day, Mia, so you keep going.”

She’s silent for about a minute, then she forks up some more egg and eats it. “But only because I’m busy, and I want you off my back for the day.”

“I’ll stay off your back, but you’ll be in my sight.”

“No way.”

“Yes,” I say. “Where you go, I go. Got it?”