Page 88 of Heated Caress

I don’t look at him and he just stands there, me staring at his feet.

“Mia.” His voice is soft, beguiling and it starts to wrap about me.

I push the words out, “Go away.”

“No.” He pauses and his voice becomes harsh. “And fucking look at me.”

I raise my head and glare at him. “What do you want me to say?”

“Anything. Talk. If we’re going to get through this you need to talk to me.”

Get through this? A fake marriage where I’ll be beyond miserable because I’ll have a taste of him and not all? I’m greedy. I’m a De Luca. I want it all or nothing. There’s no middle, no settling. I’m not built that way.

“There’s nothing to talk about.”


“I don’t—”

“I don’t care, Mia.” He glares at me, all angry flame, and I want to burn in it. What the hell is wrong with me? “I don’t care what you’re thinking or twisting to fit your little narrative. We have things to talk about and you know it.”

He takes my arm and leads me away and fool I am, I let him. We go to one of the rooms, his study he has down on this floor. Study? Office? I don’t know or care what they call it, but I go with him and he shuts the door and then he releases me, leaning against it.

I glare at him. “I only came with you to stop them from interfering. So don’t think I want to actually spend time with you.”

He shakes his head, laughing, the sound bitter. “Sweetness, you’re mine. We established that. And now we can talk. Without interruptions.”

“You think you can manipulate me.”

“We need to talk, Mia.”

“No, we don’t. I heard that. All of it. Down to you being with me for their sake.”

He swears. “No. You heard your father. No one makes me do a fucking thing, Mia. Except maybe you. Christ, you drive me crazy.”

“You told them about the note.” I throw my hands in the air. “You told them when you promised you didn’t.”

“A small lie. They have a right. Family? That’s who they are. This family which I’m part of, we protect ours, and you know it. But this is different, you and I.”

I laugh. “Is it?”

“You’re so hell bent on proving you don’t need me or anything, you throw yourself needlessly in the path of danger.” Christian looks like he wants to spill blood.

I bristle, my skin cold. “It’s all my fault, is it?”

His hands fist at his sides and he comes at me, stopping short of contact, eyes flashing. “Not what I fucking said at all, Mia.”

“You told them.”

“About the note? So?”

We stare at each other, breathing heavily, the air laden with anger and heat.

So, I go for him because I can feel my edges start to crumble. “A De Luca, that’s it, isn’t it? I’ve been trying to work out why you insist I’m more than just a fuck. But that’s all I am, aren’t I? A fuck?”

He winces. “Not fair, Mia. At all. I’ve spent fucking years wanting you.”

“Poor you, the only way you can get me is when I’m disfigured and broken, is that it?” Sarcasm drips. “You must really want to be a De Luca.”