Page 54 of Heated Caress

My breath skitters.

Our gazes meet, and there’s a heartbeat where neither of us moves, before I turn away to get the other things prepped. “I thought we could have some toasted ciabatta and a simple salad with a lemon vinaigrette. It’s really easy—”


The soft, deep, dark velvet of his voice wraps around me, and I shiver. “What?”

“You’re babbling.”

“You keep touching me.”

His smile is slow, and it hits me low in the stomach, spreading heat and that tingle of arousal. “You’re very touchable.”

Flustered, I wave a tomato at him. “Are you flirting?”

“With you? It’s not so much flirting as mating.”

He steps closer, the sauce a low simmer behind him, and he smooths a strand of my hair from my face, the side where my scar is. His fingers brush the flesh there, and a jolt races through me.

“Christian . . .”

“I’m not going to pretend I don’t want to fuck you every which way I can. And I’m definitely not going to pretend it won’t happen. It will. Again and again and again.”

I try and form words, but none come.

“We’re going to get to the bottom of all this shit at Hellfire, and I’ll keep you safe, and after everything is sorted, you and I are going to talk.” His amber gaze dips to my mouth. “I say talk . . .”

He gives me time. Christian’s move is slow and deliberate, his fingers lingering on my hair, but there’s no pinning me to him, no boxing me in. He more than gives me time to run, to stop the moment.

But I can’t.

I raise my chin, and my eyes flutter shut as his lips brush mine, a slow kiss that’s almost air. Then he kisses me again, this time deepening it, his mouth on mine, and I part my lips, and it’s like an invitation. He’s so warm and delicious and there. And I crave the sensations he brings, the way it becomes just him and me, and the promise of pleasure.

All my fight, my fear, and my anger, fizzles in that moment. There’s a part of me that knows it hasn’t gone forever, but for now, it isn’t in the way. I’ve been fighting, I’m tired, and he’s the rock I suddenly need.

Christian picks up on something because there’s a shift, and his arms come around me, his mouth hard, our tongues dancing, and I don’t think I can feel my feet.

He kisses me like I’m the only thing in the world. He kisses me like I’m a treasure he’s coveted and found. And he kisses dark and dirty and wild.

Christian is hard against me as his hands move over me, pulling at my skirt, and his fingers slide up my thighs. I part them for him, and he hisses his approval. It’s such a sound of male need and satisfaction that I think I could come from just that, but he has other plans, and as I tug at his T-shirt to slip my hands up against the smooth, hot muscle of his abs and chest, he breaks the kiss to tease me with more on my face, to my ear, and down along my throat.

When he reaches the juncture of my thighs, fingers teasing, it’s pure lightning that shoots through me, and I drop my hands and start at his belt.

With that, everything shifts.

There’s a desperation, a flood of need that crushes whatever walls held it in. We tug and pull at each other’s clothes, things crashing to the ground, and we’re like teenagers who can’t control themselves.

I release him as he lifts me and plants me on the kitchen island. My fingers wrap around his thick girth. His cock is something I want in my mouth, deep inside me and—

“I’m gonna fuck you right now. There are things I need to do to you, but right now, it’s been too long.” Christian rips my underwear to one side, his fingers plunging into my wetness.

“It was the other day.”

He takes his cock, my hand still around it, and he lines up, then pulling my hand away with his, thrusts into me. So deep, I cry out. He stretches me, fills me, and he feels so unbelievably good.

“An hour ago,” he mutters, mouth at my throat as he sets up a hard, deep pace. It’s not too fast, but it hits every spot that needs it, and I’m almost out of my mind. “An hour ago would’ve been too long ago, sweetness.”

His fingers dig into my hips, and we stare at each other as he fucks me. My legs come up around his waist, and I grip the edge of the bench. I’m going to come. Oh, God. Everything builds fast, almost overwhelming, and I shatter, flying everywhere in that sea of pleasure he sets off. Wave after wave after wave.