Page 36 of Heated Caress

Christ, she can be fucking naïve.

“And before you say it, I’d have known by now. My policy is the girls, the staff, they’re all escorted to and from the club. I don’t want any of them hurt.”

“So maybe she’s making extra with someone. A deal?”

“She strips, she doesn’t work the strip, Christian. If she’s sleeping with someone, it’s not for money, and I don’t think she’s meeting that person near the club. This is drugs. Or are you that much of a whore you think that’s what everyone does?”

“Careful, Mia,” I say. “I give you leeway with your name calling, but only so much. Don’t cross the line here. I’m not your enemy.”

“Aren’t you?”

“No, sweetness. I’m fucking not, and you know it. And no blame, I’m just asking. Trying to understand.” I pause. “Why don’t you let them fuck guys who come in?”

“I’m not running a whorehouse. And I told you, I don’t need the drama. It used to happen, girls would do that, and it got messy. I stopped it when I took over. I cleaned up the place, turned it really legit, and anyone who didn’t want to play was out. I need it clean. I want to build something good and safe for the girls, and they understand. Ellie . . . Someone got her hooked on doing drugs, but I don’t think she was there to fuck someone.”

I look at her, like I’m seeing another part of her, and I think I am. Mia, the businesswoman. She’s fucking hot.

And I’m a bastard for going there right now.

“Look, I’m going to make some calls, send flowers and Reaper or whoever to the hospital. I’m going to see what they know, and what Leo can find out.”

“No. I don’t want him involved.”

“He’s gonna find out, sweetness. But okay, I’ll pull favors. And then we’ll go and see her in a few days.”

But Mia’s revitalized. “Fine. I’ll lay low a few days.”

“Why do I sense there’s a catch.”

Her smile is pale but there. “Because there is. Come on, Christian. We have work to do. Now.”

Feeling like I’ll end up regretting it, I agree, and we set out.



The look on Christian’s face as I make him pull up at the small home would be delightful if circumstances were different.

But they’re not. Story of my life.

The place is small, run down through lack of money, but neat and clean, even on the outside. Not an old toy or even overlong grass in the postage stamp yard. There are flowers and some shrubs along the edges that hide and soften the old chain link fence.

The scent of food lingers in the air, masking the smell of a clean car as we sit.

“Wait here.”

Christian, the bossiest asshole I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. Or is that displeasure? I’m not sure when it comes to him.

I flick a glance at him, push open the door of his fancy car, and slide out.

“Do you even listen to a word I say?” He says this across the shining dark cobalt blue of his car’s roof.

“Not really.”

“You need to be spanked.”

“And you need to get it together, there, Slick.”