Page 26 of Heated Caress

I drop my gaze from the guy because I made my point, and she’s all the way back down now, shutting down, pulling that wall about her.

I release her, only to catch her again, fingers sliding into her hair against her scalp to pull her to me. My mouth. And I take hers again, this time deep, plundering, and she kisses me back with heat and a wild need, right before she rips her mouth away.

“You don’t play fair, Christian.”

“Not with you.”

“I . . .”

“Mia,” I say, bringing her face to mine, “you and me, we’re not done. Not by a long shot.”

“You just—” She swallows, closing her eyes a second.

“I fingered you in public, where anyone could see? Yeah, I was there. And I don’t care. For all intents and purposes, you’re mine. And that just showed the world in here that.”

“My brother will kill you.”


“You don’t sound upset.”

“I’ll sort Leo, and if people here get outraged over that,” I laugh, “then you have bigger problems.”

She frowns. “There’s no sex in here.”

“I disagree. You and I, we just had some pretty fucking hot sex, and that was off the charts, sweetness.”

“Let go of me.”

I brush her lips with mine. “Relax. I don’t think anyone knows what happened.”

And I really don’t care if they do. But I keep that to myself. I’m not entirely stupid.

“We should go. I think it’s best—”

“You can think what you want, Christian,” she says with an impressive amount of ice in her voice, “but I’m not going anywhere. I have paperwork to do.”

She stomps off, and I let her.

When she’s gone, I signal to one of my security people. He comes over, and we have words. I want them watching her and the exits too. If they need extra people, bring them in.

I’m here, but extra eyes help.

And, yeah, I don’t trust her not to fucking try and sneak off, actually.

I turn and follow her, knock on her door once and go in.

She’s behind her desk, and she frowns at me.

“Where are my underwear?”

I pat my pocket as an answer.

“Collecting souvenirs?”

“Only from you.”

She glares. “Go away, Christian. Go home. I’m staying until after closing.”