Page 11 of Heated Caress

But if I don’t have this freedom, then I might as well be shoved into a cage somewhere.

Which is what all the men in my life want.

Leo’s called me again. My father too.

Something about family business impacting Hellfire Dancers. I deleted the messages because it smacks of everything Christian.

With a sigh, I go out into the bar where the place is alive and jumping. My skin pricks all over like I’m being watched. That’s in my head. No one is watching me when so many beautiful and almost naked women are everywhere. It’s probably something else I need to talk about in therapy.

A hand lands on my ass, and I freeze. “Hey, baby, give me a lap dance.”

Anger surges through me, white hot, sharp, looking for blood, and I turn, grabbing the drunk man’s hand. He’s probably twice the size of me, but I really don’t care. I want him to feel the pain for his actions in touching me. I want him begging for his life.

I twist back his finger, and he howls, and before he can get up, someone grabs me, iron-vice like and pulls me off. There’s a flurry of activity, but I can’t see it because I’m dragged off into the dark hall near my office and shoved against the wall.

Christian’s gaze glitters down at me, and I strike out at him. He catches my hand and pins it down. He’s pressed hard on me, his entire body holding me there. “Calm the fuck down, Mia.”

“Fuck you.”

“Gladly.,” His voice drops, turning into warm velvet. “Anytime. You tell me the place, and we can go at it.”

His words send a different heat streaking through me, and the feel of his hand on my ass is suddenly nothing but a distant memory.

“I’m not sleeping with you. Go get your rocks off somewhere else.”

“You’re the only thing that gets my rocks going, Mia. Hate to break it to you.” His mouth is a whisper from mine, and my entire being is consumed with him. I want to run. I want to beg him to make me forget everything but the pleasure I know he can give.

“Let go.”

He sighs. “You annoy the living fuck out of me, Mia. What were you going to do out there?”

“Me? I was going to maim that man for putting a hand on me.”

His mouth skims the side of my throat, and I shiver while sparks of delight shower through my blood. “You already did. Your bouncer boy is taking care of him.”

I push at Christian. “Stop that.”


“Touching me.”

“No can do, Mia. You’re too delicious.”

I shove harder, and this time he steps back. “I thought I had you kicked out.”

“Thought being the operative word here. And I told you, someone’s trying to target Hellfire Dancers, so like it or not, you’re stuck with me.”

“Fine.” I breathe out. Breaking down battles into bites I can take on is the name of the game.

Until I can come up with a way to get Christian off my back, I’m stuck with him. But I can make it on my terms. Right?

I lift my head to look at him.

“Fine,” I say again.

“Good to hear you’re listening. Or, you know, pretending.”

Asshole. The rage surges. “Think what you want. If you’re here on a mission, do it, but keep out of my way.”