Page 32 of Billionaire Bestie

Laina wouldn’t look back at that ring with happy memories.

When I asked her to move in with me over coffee, she appeared to be stunned. It made sense as an engaged couple, but I also thought it would be fun. I love spending time with Laina, and I even offered her the guest room if it made her more comfortable.

I took it one step further and told her I’d pay for her to keep the apartment for the next several months for when she wants to move back.

How can I tell her I want her to fall asleep in my arms and wake up there? How do I explain how much I love being inside of her and that it feels like home to me? Making love to her with my ring on her finger felt amazing to me, though I’d never admit how much it meant to me.

I fell in love with Laina in the last few months and, like a selfish bastard; I want her close to me. I just can’t tell her that. She’s just doing this as a favor to me and there are no real feelings there. She doesn’t see me as more than a friend.

She tells me she’ll move in the next weekend and take the week to decide what she needs from the apartment over breakfast. After I drop her off there, I know I need to face the music and I call my parents. It’s been radio silence since we posted the picture, and I know Mom keeps track of my social media.

She got on me for not mentioning the wonderful women I’d been dating. I only posted things about Laina.

“Hi, Mom.” I greet her as she answers the phone.

“What did you do?” she asks me in a sad voice as I arch my brow.

“I proposed. Isn’t that what you wanted for me all this time?” I ask as frustration fills me.

“I wanted you with a woman that fit our family. Laina is nothing like us, Kyle. She doesn’t understand us.” Mom tells me as her voice rises. “You need to be with the social equivalent of yourself.”

“Stop being such a snob. Laina is a kind, fun person. We talk and laugh together, and she’s got a great job and future ahead of her,” I remind her as she sighs heavily.

“Working under you at a company your father worked so hard to give you. What must people think about her?” She just gets bitchier by the moment.

“I don’t give a shit. I’m happy and that’s what matters, Mom. Can’t you feel that way about this?” I demand, feeling myself losing control. “Don’t you want me to be happy?”

“I don’t think she’s the one to do that for you long term, Kyle. Have fun while it lasts and then we can get you to your proper place in life.” Mom tells me as I sit in silence. “I need to go. We have dinner plans with friends.”

I end the call and stare at the water from my window. Was that even real? Is my mom that controlling? I didn’t even get to talk to Dad to see what he thinks about it, but I didn’t think it was too much different after the restaurant.

What would it be like for Laina to tell her parents?

In the morning, everyone congratulates me as I walk down the hall. I smile and thank them, overwhelmed by the attention. I’m only the man. Laina will have to stop and show people the ring and talk to them.

I’m glad it’s a gorgeous ring.

I stay in my office once I’m there and wonder how it’s going for Laina. Is she upset by the attention?

Trey walks in and leans against the door frame, grinning.

“You did it.”

“I did,” I reply, feeling a genuine smile cross my face. “Is the world ending out there?”

“Well, people are talking.” He came in and sat down with coffee in hand. “I think it’s mostly good, but they tossed a few names around in the break room.”

“I’m sure. Not that any of those women had a chance with me, but now it’s gone.” I remark, thinking that it always was. I never thought about dating at work and when I bumped into Laina, something changed completely.

“So, how did you do it?” Trey asks me and I sip my coffee before leaning back.

“After dinner on the space needle. It’s kind of cliche, but I thought she’d enjoy the view there.” I reply, and he chuckles.

“That’s a way to make a statement. Did she cry?”

“Yep. Full blown tears. I think I took her by surprise.” I tell him, knowing I’m lying. It was planned and set up, and the only surprise was where I took Laina for dinner. I want her to have some surprises with this. She needs to enjoy it, which is why I put so much effort into our time together.

Why did she cry? Did I really surprise her or was that planned for the effect?