Page 19 of Billionaire Bestie

I shower and dress for the day in black slacks and a deep green Henley that brings out my eyes, adding black boots. It might be a little colder today, but if we could be outside in some sun, I’d make it work. Sun in Seattle is always a treat.

I take her baskets to the car, one by one, and secure them in the back seat. The package holding the VIP passes to the aquarium makes me frown as I envision her there with Remy and Kinsley, bonding and laughing over the sea life there.

Remy is a good friend to me, just like Peter, but he needs to leave Laina alone. Hopefully, he got the message that she’s mine loud and clear last night and this morning after seeing the photos of us.

I want to kiss her again and I think back to the car where we practiced last night. It feels like something I’d do naturally, not anything new and awkward. The kiss felt right to me, and the way my entire body reacted caught me off guard.

It’s very easy to imagine doing that regularly, and I smile as I start the car. Driving across town, I think about the event and how different it felt versus years past with family or some date Mom set me up with.

Laina is fun like she’s always been, and we talk about everything when we’re together. She is open about enjoying things and being surprised like she had been last night. I barely saw my parents there since they always have to play the hosts and having a friend with me makes it fun.

Girlfriend, not friend.

Fake girlfriend.

Whatever this is.

I park in the lot of the complex and tuck the package under my arm and carry a basket, tempted to lose the tickets. I feel sure that she’d probably invite me as well and not have this day with Remy and Kinsley, but she never told me that. Laina smiles at me as she opens the door wearing sexy leggings and a sweater.

“They’re here!” She dashes down to the car to help me with the other two, thanking me again as she looks at it all with an excited smile. “I can’t wait to have a day to enjoy this.”

“All at once?” I ask as we make our way to the restaurant in the car, and she arches a brow at me. “You’re going to use the stuff in the baskets all at once?”

“Oh, that. Well, they go together. Like I can light a candle for a bath and nibble on some chocolate while I’m in there. There’s so much stuff in there.” Most of the women I know would rather book a day at the fancy day spa than do it at home, much less in a small apartment bathroom.

I’d seen trips to tropical beaches on that table and Tiffany jewelry but wasn’t even sure if Laina tried to win that kind of stuff. Even her necklace had been simple and small compared to the women that were covered in gems and furs.

I drove to the small parking lot overlooking some blue water and parked as Laina took it in. After we order and sit down, we talk about the pictures of us that are everywhere.

Laina seems nervous that I sit beside her, so I explain that we’re on another date, kissing her gently. I want to do so much more, and I pull away, wondering where it’s coming from. I don’t want a casual sex thing from Laina. She’s a friend doing me a favor, and simple kisses and affection will do the trick.

It will already be tricky enough, and I don’t want to complicate anything for either of us. While I played down the work aspect, I’m not sure how that will go. I feel that I’m not anything near a direct supervisor of Laina and not even the one responsible for hiring or firing. I have a staff for that and unless I’m absolutely needed in the situation; I try to stay out of it.

Seeing Laina, fake or real, shouldn’t matter, and I’d step in if anyone gave her any trouble.

We eat our lunch and I ask if she wants to take a walk along the river, taking her hand and leading the way down the long stretch of sidewalk.

“How do you find these places? It seems like your family is more… fancy.” Laina points out as I chuckle.

“You’re right. They are like that, but I enjoy trying different places wherever I’m living. You never know what you’ll find in what looks like a boring building or how good the food will be. I also watch those shows that go to different places sometimes when I’m just decompressing and there’s several here in Washington. I like to keep life interesting.”

“I see that. I love the places we’ve been to lunch so far.” She looks over the water as some ducks land noisily in the water. “You’ve made me see this city as something beautiful. Not just the flawless places like the glass and garden, but the streets as you walk along and see life happening around you. Boston certainly had that city vibe, too. Seattle is just different.”

“It is. Every city has its own thing going for it. I like it here, though, which is good since it looks like I’m staying.” I squeeze her hand, enjoying the warmth. “How about you?”

“Well, I moved here to start a new life and so far, so good. It’s a great city, and the fact my former best friend is here doesn’t hurt one bit.” She smiles at me, and I meet her eyes.

“Don’t you mean your boyfriend?” I tease her as she giggles.

“What happens at work tomorrow?” Laina asks as I take a long look at the water.

“We act like we do any other day. How often do you even see me there to begin with?” I ask, and she nods. “People will eventually hear about this, and no doubt be watching for anything worth gossiping about. I just don’t have any interest in that at all. I like to keep my private life outside of work, but Mom ruined that with her fucking dating plan, and this won’t always be the best answer. I just want to spend time with someone I enjoy being around.”

“That’s why it’s a good plan until you decide you want something else.” Laina says as she walks to a lookout point to gaze at the flowing water.

Will I want something else? This already feels so good, and I can’t picture it right now.

I take her to an art gallery and a quaint movie theater for a late afternoon showing of a new horror film, loading up on popcorn and candy when she admits to liking all of it.