The turn signal clicked loudly before Luca sighed and said, “We haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately. It’s causing some friction.”

“Is it about Zoe?” I kept my eyes on the passing buildings.


“I overheard Marco on the phone. He asked someone to go with you somewhere tonight because he’d be gone until morning. Oh! And that he had an address. You think there’s anything to that?”

“What did I—”

“I wasn’t snooping.”Liar.“I was getting an elastic for my hair.” I pointed to my messy ponytail.

“The number of times you just so happen to overhear something is troubling.”

“Whatever. Should we warn Tootsie?”

Luca side-eyed me. “We?”

I sunk back in my seat. “Right. Business.”

Luca nodded, turning on NPR and ending the conversation. He showed no signs of being worried, which made me more anxious.

Luca headed to his office when we got home, and I rushed to our room. Quietly, I went into the bathroom and shut the door, cringing when the lock clicked. My stomach flipped as I sat on the toilet lid, my cell phone in hand. One call and I would be officially going against Marco and possibly Luca. I glanced at the door, gnawing my bottom lip.

Fuck it.

I tapped the contact and then pressed the phone so hard to my ear that it created a suction. Eyes locked on the door, I turned on the shower and stood at the edge of the glass.

“Yes.” Tootsie’s deep voice picked up after one ring.

“It’s me,” I whispered.

“I know.”

The steam from the water filled the room, making everything clammy, specifically my face, which was within mist range of the showerhead. “I think Marco knows where she is.”

He cursed under his breath. Despite the loud rush of water in my ear, I could hear him moving around and a door closing on his side. “What do you know?”

“Uh.” I suddenly felt silly, like I might’ve blown what I heard out of proportion. “I overheard him ask someone to send him an address, that he’d handle it, and Luca didn’t need to know.”

“That sounds pretty vague.”

“Sorry, I—”

“The fuck? I gotta go.” The line dropped.

I pulled the phone from my face and stared at it in disbelief. Blinking away the moisture from my eyes, I let out a little laugh.


I jumped, dropped my phone, and watched in horror as it bounced on the tile. “Shit!” I whispered and scrambled to save it from the water.

“Baby? What’s happening?” He tried the handle. “Why’s the door locked?”

“Uh. I must have hit it on accident. Give me a second.” I yanked my shirt over my head and ripped my jeans off, wrapping my phone in my clothes. I shimmied out of my underwear and hopped under the stream of water.

