Page 112 of Sasha and the Stalker

Startled, I dropped my gaze to her concerned face. “What are you talking about?”

She scoffed, her eyes going to the wall of windows next to her office door. “My dad’s a federal judge. I know who the Morettis are.”

“You’ve never said anything.”

“You’venever said anything.” She raised an eyebrow in challenge. When I didn’t say anything, she asked, “You got a dollar?”


Rolling her eyes, she extended her hand, palm up. Baffled, I grabbed my wallet, fished out a dollar, and slapped it in her hand.

“Okay, I’m officially on retainer. Now spill.”

“Oh! Like they do it in the movies.” She grinned. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Jazz. I just don’t want to pull anyone else into this mess.”

“I get that, but I think you need someone on your side. Someone you can be open with. Now you don’t have to worry about confidentiality or me getting into trouble.”

I pursed my lips, fiddling with the snap on my wallet.

“Fine. Let’s ease into it. Are you sure you want to give up your share of SA Designs?”

“I have to. I told you about the shooting in Chicago, right?” She nodded, and I huffed out a breath. “It wasn’t directed at me, but it wasn’t random. Then you have Scott fucking Nicki, who’s engaged to Aldo. And what happens if they arrest Luca over all this shit? It’s not a good look for one of the owners to be married to someone up on murder charges. My personal life is bleeding into my work life, and I don’t see it ending well.”

“I think you’re giving your clients too much credit. There are plenty of people willing to do business with murderers. How else would Moretti Properties be the billion-dollar corporation it is today?” She gave me a gentle smile. “You’re too honorable for your own good, Sasha Mitchell.”

I snorted. “Yeah, real honorable.” I rubbed my forehead. “I didn’t know about all of it. You know?” Guilt settled in my stomach, and the dull ache behind my right eye intensified. “When we signed the initial contracts with Moretti Properties, I had no idea. After discovering who Luca really was, he assured me there wouldn’t be any problems, that they’ve never had any issues. But now, with everything else going on, I don’t see how SA Designs comes out unscathed.”

“I assume Ashley knows?”

“Yeah.” I shut my eyes, thinking about the look on her face when she rightfully read my ass for filth that morning.

“Did she ask you to do this?”

“No. It’s my idea. She told me no before, but I don’t imagine she’ll put up too much of a fight after today.”

“What happened?” Jazz leaned on her forearms, her perfectly shaped brows pulling together.

“Malcolm's brother-in-law has two broken legs, courtesy of my new family.”

“Uh oh.”

“Yeah.” I wiped my hand on my thigh and dropped my wallet into my purse. “I think I finally understand the realities of being with Luca. One of them being that I’m no longer just Sasha Mitchell. I’m a Moretti.”

“Is that what you want?”

Without hesitation, I said, “Yes. There’s no one else.” Her face softened, and the corner of her lips tilted up. “That being said, becoming a Moretti is my choice. Ashley doesn’t deserve to have her dreams suffer for my choice.”

“Then let’s get you unincorporated.” Jazz lifted her chin, and Ka joined us.

“Sasha. Good to see you again.” Ka Chan sat in the chair next to me, taking the file from Jazz. “Let’s see what we have here.” She flipped through the pages, her face neutral, and then she snapped the folder closed. “Seems simple enough. Let me go work up a new contract, and I’ll get it over to you by the end of the day?”

“That would be perfect.”

Ka nodded, her shiny black bob swinging, and left just as quick as she came.

“Bye!” I called after her.

“She’s one of our most billable attorneys. She’s doing you a favor by not chatting. You’ll thank her when you get the invoice.”