Page 111 of Sasha and the Stalker

“You’re freaking me out. What’s going on?”

She blew out a breath, her gaze on the candy bowl between us. “We need to talk.” That was it. That was all she said.

“Okay?” I shifted in my chair, waiting for the hammer to fall.

“Malcolm’s brother-in-law, Shane, is in the hospital. He was jumped.”

My stomach turned. “Oh?”

Her eyes narrowed, and she pinned me with a glare. “Yeah. Oh.” She scoffed. “Malcolm’s pissed that he got involved,” she said, her voice lowering, “with the mob? Did Luca do this?”

“I don’t know.” Shame prickled through my body. “Someone paid Shane to follow me.”

She scoffed. “So, he deserved to get his legs broken?”

“No! When I told Luca, I didn’t think—”

“That’s the thing, isn’t it? You don’t think. You’ve been so wrapped up in your own world for the past six months that I don’t even know when you’re coming or going. I’m constantly worried about you getting hurt, and now Malcolm’s family is in the mix?”

The tears shining in her eyes and her heaving chest made me sick to my stomach. She was upset, and I’d done this to her. Going around the desk, I kneeled in front of her and took her hand in mine. “When Malcolm told me someone paid to have me followed, I had to tell Luca. Ash, I am so sorry. I didn’t know it would go that far. I’ve been a shitty friend, and you don’t deserve that.”

Ashley nodded, pulling a tissue from the box and dabbing the corner of her eyes. “I just hate this. Everything feels like it’s spinning out of control. I don’t like fighting with you.”

“Me neither. It’s unnatural.”

“Can you grab dinner tonight?”

“Yes,” I answered immediately.

She snorted out a laugh. “Don’t you need to check your calendar?”

“Nope. If anything’s there, I’ll reschedule it.” I mentally crossed my fingers that Mom would understand.

“Okay. I’ve got to go get ready for a meeting with the Westons.” We both stood and hugged. It had been a long time since I’d gotten an Ashley Brooks hug. “I love you,” she said into my chest.

I angled my chin to keep from eating her fluffy hair. “I love you too.”

“Okay, I’m off to replace the nineties in yet another office building.”

“Godspeed, Ms. Brooks.” I saluted her as she left my office.

Frankie wandered back in as I packed up my computer bag. “You have an appointment?”

* * *

“This isn’t what I do, Sasha.” Jazz fell back into her leather office chair, holding my folder in the air. “We’ve been friends for how long? And you still don’t know what I do for a living.”

“Okay. The theme of the day is Sasha’s an asshole.” Jazz laughed as she looked over our original contracts. “I had no idea there were so many facets to corporate law. My only other point of reference is Nicki, and well, I’ll admit, I zone out when she talks.”

“You really are an asshole,” Jazz laughed as she quickly typed on her laptop. “You’re in luck. Ka has a free hour.”

“Oh, thank God. You think she can have the papers drawn up by tonight?”

“Probably. You sure you want to do this?”

I nodded and looked at the beautiful piece of modern art just over Jazz’s shoulder. “I have to.”

“Is this about the investigation?”