She leaned back into the pillows. “What can I do? I told him we’re done.”

“Think he’ll listen?” I threw a few more pieces of candy in my mouth.

A smile tugged at her lips, and she picked up some sour candies. “No. He never has before.”

I turned to her and raised an eyebrow.

“Nothing like that.” She laughed and chewed thoughtfully. “Marco’s too noble to ever do that to a family member or with a married woman, but that didn’t stop him from being my shadow for the last ten years.”

“He does like to lurk.”

“He’s the best at it.” She gave a pained smile and shook a few candies in her hand. “He told me he’d wait.”

“I never pegged him for a romantic.”

“Then you don’t know him.”

“I guess I don’t.”

* * *

The house was dark when I pulled into the garage.

“Luca?” I dropped my purse on the counter. “Dante?”

I slipped out of my heels, my feet throbbing. “Anybody?”

Heading into the living room, I found Luca and Dante passed out on the couch, the tv asking if they were still watching, and an elaborate snack spread on the coffee table.

“Hey, guys?”


A little louder, I said, “Guys?”

Luca’s face twitched, but his eyes stayed decidedly closed.

“Guys!” I shouted.

Dante shot up—his curls flattened on one side, impressions from the blanket on his pink cheek. “Aunt Sasha?” He rubbed his eye. “Is Mom here?”

“No, honey. She’s staying the night at the hospital for observation, but she’ll be home tomorrow.”

“Oh, sh—shoot.” Luca frowned down at his phone and then up at Dante. “We missed a call from your mom.” He handed Dante his phone, and the kid immediately called her back.

Luca joined me behind the couch and kissed me on the forehead. “Everything okay?”

I sighed and leaned into him, watching Dante talk to his mom. “I think so? The doctors sent out for a bunch of tests. By the time I left, Adriana seemed to be doing a lot better.”

“Marco rushed out of here like his ass was on fire.”

“Yeah.” I flashed him a look. “We’ll talk later.”

“Mom sounded okay.” Dante smiled up at us and handed Luca his phone. “Can you make us dinner?”

Luca chuckled. “Sure. How does pizza sound?”

Dante fell back on the couch and grabbed the remote. “Perfect.” He started the next episode of the anime they’d been watching, effectively dismissing us.