His mouth went back to work, his tongue dipping in only to pull out. Sweat beaded on my forehead while my core tightened, begging for more. With my eyes shut tight, head lolled back, teeth digging into my full red lips, I prayed for relief.

Luca’s tongue pressed against my clit, rolling against it while his hands squeezed my ass. I writhed under his ministrations, equal parts frustration and pleasure.

The door creaked open, and my head snapped up to find a shocked Jazz standing in the doorway. “Uh. I’ll keep them out for a minute while you wrap up.” She sauntered out of the room with a smirk on her face.

My attention went back to Luca as he stood up, brushing off his knees.

Laying splayed across the makeup table, all I could think about was finishing what he started. “What are you doing?”

His red, wet lips distracted me as he wiped his mouth. “Creating incentive.”

Tilting my head, I waited for him to continue.

“Have dinner with me.”

It was like he dropped me in an ice bath. Gathering up my robe, I covered my body. “God. Really, Luca?” I flipped my hair out from under the collar. “I thought you’d finally seen the light.”

Turning my back on him, I straightened up the mess my ass had made on the table. As I reached for a knocked-overcanof hairspray, hegrabbed my wrists. Pinning them to the table, his body wrapped around me. “It’s been a month, and I can’t stop thinking about you. You can’t tell me that this doesn’t feel good.” He kissed my neck, nuzzling my ear. “I want to see if we are compatible in other ways.”

I looked up at him in the mirror. His face was so genuine.

Maybe this could work.

He must have seenmy moment of weaknessbecause a smile spread across his face. “Just give me a chance, Sasha. If you hate it, we can fuck and say goodbye.”

Ishook my head and laughed.“Fine. One dinner.”

Lucawrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his hard body. “Thank you. I’ll text you.”

In the mirror, I watched him walk out. Not one second later, the girls poured into the green room, and Jazz sat at the station next to me. “I didn’t know you were dating someone. I wouldn’t have been so,” she batted her eyelashes at me and dramatically pouted her lips. “If I knew.”

“I’m not dating anyone.”

Her eyes didn’t leave the side of my face as I tried to cover the marks on my neck. “Thenwho is he?”

I tried to temper my annoyance.Annoyance with myself? Annoyance with Luca? I wasn’t sure.“A guy I fucked. That’s all.”

Lifting an eyebrow, she turned toward her mirror. “If you say so.”

Thankfully, she left it. I didn’t even know what to say about Luca. I was in lust with him, willing to go on a date to get in his pants. Resting my cheek in my palm, I sighed. What was happening to me?

* * *

“What do you think about this fabric? Is it too western? The Regents wanted kitsch, but I think if I give them this, I might be going against my moral obligations as both an interior designer and apersonwith functioning eyeballs.”

Ashley tapped her toe, waiting for me to answer, but I only stared at the text Luca had sent me.

“Uh, yeah,sure.”

Swiping the phone from my hand, Ashley darted out of reach. “What is so important you can’t help me with this curtain emergency?” Her eyes widened, and a grin lit up her face. “Oh. Luca. He’s taking you to his family’s restaurant?” She glanced upatme, then back at my phone. “Oh, girl.”

“Shut up. It’s no big deal.” When Ashley didn’t immediately agree, I narrowed my eyes at her. “Right?”She lifted an eyebrow but didn’t answer.

I swiveled in my chair, turning away from the windows that faced out to the rest of the small office. I didn’t need Miranda in reception seeing me panic. “What’s he thinking? I barely agreed to this date, and now I might meet a cousin or an aunt, or heaven forbid, an immediate family member.” Tossing my head back, I let out a groan.

Ashley plopped down in the cozy chair on the other side of my desk. “He probably didn’t even think about it. Maybe it’s his favorite restaurant, and that’s why he picked it. Moretti’s is the best Italian in St. Louis. He’s probably just trying to make a good first impression.”

Flopping my head in her direction, I huffed out a breath. “Whatever. I guess I’m heading out then. I need to get ready.”