Evie announced me, and Ipartedthe heavy, velvet curtains, my leg leading the way. As the first notes of ‘Feeling Good’ filled the room, I strutted toward the audience. The bright lights kept the crowd faceless as I slowly removed the long gloves with my teeth. As the song swelled, my clothing dropped, and my body jiggled without restriction. Going to the edge of the stage for the finale, a face I hadn’t seen in weeks caught my eye.

Luca Moretti sat on the edge of his seat, his eyes wide, mouth hanging open. It took everything in me to keep going and ignore the way my heart thumped violently against my chest.

One more turn, and I winked at him as the tassels spun. Blowing a kiss to the audience, I swished off stage.

My heart was racing, and a blush creptup my neck. Surprise audience members always threw me for a loop, but knowing Luca watched me dance turned me on in a way I didn’t like. That the prick still got under my skin pissed me off. I only hoped my little show had gotten him so hard he needed to dump ice down his slacks.

Themusic for thesecond group number startedupas I slipped into my silk robe. When the green room door opened, I sat down to make a slight makeup change for the last number.

“I’m hurrying, Evie. Be ready in five!”I kept my head down, searching for my mascara.

“I think I can get you there faster.”

Startled, I dropped the eye shadow pallet in my handandspun around.

“What are you doing? You shouldn’t be back here, Luca.”

He inchedtoward me, his eyes drinking in every inch of my body. “It’s okay.I know the guy who owns this place.”

Standing tomeethis attempt at dominance, I snorted. “Of course you do. What I should’ve said is, I don’t want you back here. I need to get ready for the last number.”

Luca’s body pressed me into the makeup table, his southern hemisphere giving my performance a standing ovation. “I’ll be brief.”

The smell of his cologne drew me closer to him as his hands skirted up the bottom of my robe, firmly palming the curve of my body. Under the silk, my thighs trembled. How had I forgotten what his hands felt like?

“Nothing about you isbrief,Luca.”

Grinning, he pressed a light kiss to my mouth. “I’m glad you remember.”

Luca pulled the sash to my robe, and the fabric fell open.Hisforehead furrowed as hecaressed the skin around the pasties. “I like these.”

My head fell back, and my eyes shut ashegently tugged the tassels, not enough to remove them but enough to pull the skin. “If you like these, you should see what I wear off stage.”

Hot breath on my neck was the only warning I got before his mouth latched onto my pulse. Hegroped and squeezedhisway down my soft body beforehegrabbed my ass, lifting me onto the table.

Leaning back to get his attention, I asked, “What are you doing?”

His face was flushed, his eyebrows pulled together as he shook his head. “Honestly? I don’t know. You make me a little crazy.”

He leaned in to claim my mouth in another sweet kiss. When he pulled back, his face was more relaxed. “I think it’s time for you to feel a little crazy,Sasha.”

The way he whispered my namelike it was something to savor sparked somethinginsideme. I wrappedmy legs around him, bringing him into my body. His trouser-covered erection rubbed against the thin fabric of my panties, and it took everything in me not to moan. Swallowing hard, I whispered back. “You can try.”

He gave me a lazy smile, unwrapping my legs from his torso, and knelt before me. “Deal.”His large hands grasped my knees, pushing them wide as his fingers traveled up my thighs. Luca kissed and nipped the soft skin, paying particular attention to a spot so close to where I wanted him most. I cursed, curling my fingers around the edge of the table. The more he sucked, the wider my legs fell open.

“Luca.” I panted. He had to do something more. I was about to crawl out of my skin.

His dark brown eyes looked up at me as he pushed the damp silk between my legs aside. Never breaking eye contact, his tongue barely brushed against me. Arching my back, I put one hand on the back of his head, but he wouldn’t move closer.

The next pass of his tongue was harder, pressing against my slit without going in.

“Fuck, Luca!”

Hecontinuedhis slow torture, each lick having more pressure than the last. My abdomen clenched. I ached to be filled.

“I need your fingers.”

Without pulling away from my body, he sighed, his breath a chilled wind on my heated skin. “No.”