“And you’re just friends?”

“Shut it.”

“Okay, okay.”

“Look, Igottago. I’ve got an early meeting with those people from Amerent.”

“I forgot that’s tomorrow. Good luck.”

“Thanks. I have a few things to go over with you once I get back to the office, so block me off some time.”

“Sure thing. Sleep tight, Ash.”

“You too.”

I settled further down between the sheets. Exhaustion from the night before made me ready for bed, even though it was only 9:30. Turning off the lamp, I snuggled deeper intothecovers. Ryan purred on the pillow next to my head, his fluffy tail tickling my neck.

As I drifted off to sleep, my phonerang.

Yawning, I answered, “Hello?”


Oh shit, I knew that voice. The memories of him moaning over, under, and behind mequickenedmy pulse.Why the hell was he calling me? You don’t just call people. No one wants an unexpected phone call.


“The one and only.”

I patted down my hair and straightened his shirt that I was still wearing. He couldn’t see me. Why the hell was I tidying up? Grimacing, I tossed the cover off my legs. “So, you got my number.”

“That I did. My cousin’s a very helpful guy.”

Irolled my eyes and muttered,“Michael.”

“Don’t blame him. I told him I found something of yours.”

“So,you’re a liar. Good to know.”

“Hey! I didn’t lie. I found lots of things last night. That patch of freckles under your knee. What happens when I bite the inside of your thigh. How you like my fingers—”

“I got it. Thank you.What do you want?”

My fingers twisted the ends of my hair while Luca said nothing.I pulled the phone from my face to check and see if he’d hung up when he finally said, “I just want an hour of your time.”


“You don’t even know what I want to do.”

I tugged my hairat the root. “What do you want to do?”

“One drink. I want one drink with you.”I could hear the smile in his voice.

“No. I already told you.”

“Okay. I won’t ask again.”

“Really?”My shoulders curled with disappointment.I knew that wasn’t fair. I’d said no countless times in the past twelve hours, but I kind of hoped he would push through. I generally hated the “wear you down” tactic, but it was nice having him chase me for just a little of my time.