Page 112 of Sasha and the Butcher

As he pulled at the heel, I wrapped my hands around his neck.

“I don’t have some big villain speech, you fucking maniac, but I will say this.” My words stilted between heavy pants, I forced out, “You can’t beat me, motherfucker.”

His face turned purple, and his hands pulled at mine, but he didn’t have the strength. He bucked under me, trying to knock me off, but I only tightened my thighs around him.

I leaned into my grip, putting all my weight against his throat. Slowly, Mr. Moretti’s body stoppedbucking under me. His mouth fell open as he tried to talk, tried to scream.

I squeezed harder, my arms shaking with the effort. The blood vessels in his good eye burst,and I watched as the light started to go out.

But I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. If I didn’t do this, I would be dead. Hell, I was probably already dead. Why not take the fucker with me?

My whole body tensed as Mr. Morettiwent limp beneath me. I shook his neck once,and his head lolled back.

I killed someone.

I killed Mr. Moretti.

I killed Luca’s dad.


Reality set in now that I was safe,and my body sagged with relief. I pulled myself from himand leaned against the wall, sitting in a splatter of my own blood.

I looked around the expensive hotel room and marveled at the utter destruction our struggle had caused. The carpet was dark, but it was darker where blood puddled.

My dress was torn and stained,and I knew my face was a busted mess. Gently, I probed my cheek and winced.

I was fucked.

For a few minutes,I just sat there. I didn’t know what the hell to do.

I killed a mafia boss. A laugh bubbled up in my throat.

I choked out a giant motherfucker. A chuckle fell from my mouth.

I killed Luca’s dad. My whole body shook with laughter until it turned into sobs. I wasn’t worried about having literal blood on my hands. I was worried about Luca.

Snot ran down my lips, mingling with the blood that was caking there. I slowly slid down to the floor until I was lying, facing Mr. Moretti’s lifeless body.

I laid there staring for who knows how long. There wasn’t really a “what to do when you’ve killed your ex’s dad, the mafia boss” checklist.

Suddenly, a phone ringing broke the silence. I pushed up on my elbow and saw Mr. Moretti’s pocket light up.

My hand shook as I reached into his pocket and pulled out thevibrating ringing phone. “Dad” flashed across the screen. I frowned down at Mr. Moretti’s mangled face. I knew his dad was dead. How was he calling?

Just as the phone stopped ringing, there was a knock at the door. “Dad, I think you grabbed my phone by mistake. I have yours.”

I held my breath and sat as still as I could.

“Come on. I know you’re in there. The front desk gave me your room number.”

Looking down at Mr. Moretti, I didn’t know what to do.

“If you and mom are in the middle of something, just stick your hand out in the hall with the phone. I need to get Zoe home.”

Tears pooled in my eyes. I needed to do something.

Luca knocked again and cursed under his breath. His shadow under the door rocked back and forth. Then the door beeped and cracked open. My breathing sped up,and I dragged myself toward the bed.