Page 107 of Sasha and the Butcher

He shouldn’t be here.

I shouldn’t be here.

When Mr. Moretti’s eyes looked past me, I let out a breath, only to suck it back in when his gaze zeroed in on me. It took everything in me not to run away. Phantom fingers dug into my arms as my body shuddered with the memory of being close to the angry Mafioso. How stupid I had been back then to think he was just the run-of-the-mill toxic man.

I expected a snarl, a frown. Instead,the motherfucker smiled. He smiled. I shook my head because I had to be seeing things. Then, Mr. Moretti raised his hand and waved. Confused, I slowly raised my hand to wave back, not because I wanted to, but out of a Midwest reflex to be polite,and my brain was too broken to stop it.

“Oh, there’s dad. Let’s sayhello.”

At the sound of Luca’s voice, my hand froze at my shoulder,and a whole new anxiety put my body on lockdown. My shoulders curled as if I could somehow shrivel up and hide.

I stood perfectly still as Luca escorted a tall willowy blond past me and towards a far too smiley Mr. Moretti. My eyes immediately zeroed in on Luca’s hand resting on her bare lower back, just above the swell of her small but perky ass. I couldn’t look away.

“Sasha? We should head to our table.”

Even Malcolm’s voice didn’t pull me from my stare down with Luca’s hand and her ass. I wanted to look anywhere else but couldn’t. I knew what it felt like to have him maneuver you through a crowd, to smell his rich cologne, feel his warmth on your skin, his breath on your neck as he makes some silly comment.

My chest ached with loss. I felt bereft, cold, seeing him be someone else’s sunshine.

An ample chest covered in white silk stepped in between me and my new obsession. “Sasha! You’re here!”

My stubborn gaze moved up toDaphne’sbeautiful face that was made only more perfect by her breathtaking smile. “Well,duh.” She crushed me against her. “Wouldn’t miss it, Daph.”

She let me go and turned toward Malcolm. “And you must be the plus one.”

Malcolm tried to smile but couldn’t shake his frown. Sticking out his hand, he introduced himself. Against my will, my gaze shifted back to the tux mafia by the bar. This time Luca was staring right at me, his blond companion whispering in his ear.

I pulled in a shaky breath and smiled. The air burned my lungs, but I kept breathing. This was my life. Wanting someone so badly it physically hurt but knowing he could never be mine. Not in secret, not in public.

My eyes burned, but I kept staring into his stupidly perfect face. His date looked my way, but I didn’t give a fuck.Let her see. I hope she asks who I am. Explain that one, Luca.

“I’m sorry I didn’t warn you. D’s dad invited theMorettislast minute. Something about a new building deal. I don’t know.” After a pause, she muttered,“And I don’t know what he’s doing with Zoe.”

I looked back atDaphne,who was frowning and staring at Luca.

Zoe? Like Zoe Chronis? He’s dating a Chronis? What the hell is going on?

Brushing off the icky feelings crawling all over me, I pulled my shoulders back and smiled at the worried bride-to-be. “No worries! I was just surprised.”

Daphne pursed her lips.

I patted her hand. “You go, mingle! We’ll catch up later.” I quickly glanced around the room. “Or maybe not.” I laughed, squeezing her hand, and let go. “Good luck chattingwithall these people.”

That made Daphne smile. “Right? Dimitri’s dad turned this into a networking event. I hope you have business cards.”

“Guilty.” I patted my clutch.

“Fucking hustler.” She wasn’t wrong. Shaking her head, Daphne laughed as she turned to greet another guest.

Malcolm snatched two champagne flutes from a passing tray and handed me one. We both wordlessly downed them and placed them onatable,grabbing two more from a passing waiter.“Welp. This might not be so bad if they’re making peace or whatever.” Malcolm looked around the room, his eyes purposely staying away from Luca, although Luca had never stopped staring our way.

Takingthelast gulp, I tried to enjoy the bubbles tickling down my throat, but the heat of Luca’s stare made my skin break out in a fine sheen of sweat. A shiver ran down my spine as the air conditioning hit my clammy skin. I was suddenly glad to have an empty stomach because it felt like I was going to throw up myfeelings. “Ineed to go to the ladies.”

“Ok. I’ll hang out in the hallway.”

We left the ballroom and headed to the bathrooms. My hands shook as I sped down the corridor,trying to maintain my composure.

I paused briefly at the door, looking over my shoulder. “I’ll just be a minute.”