Leaving the car running, neither of us moved to get out.Luca waited for me to make a move, but I had no idea if I would get out of the car. I’d much prefer staying in the safe confines of Luca’s expensive ride and listening to whatever the hell NPR was droning on about. I threaded my fingers together and squeezed them in my lap, focusing on steadying my breath.

Unbuckling his seatbelt, Luca shifted in his seat. His gaze burned into the side of my face, but my eyes stayed locked on my now red fingers. “Sasha, I don’t want to push you into something you’re not ready for, but I can’t help but feel like we aren’t on the same page when it comes to us. I want you to meet my parents, my friends, hell, everyone. I’m very proud to be with you.”

His words struck a chord,and I twisted toward him. “It’s not that I’m not proud of you Luca, it’s actually the opposite. I don’t know what I did to deserve a guy like you.” My voice cracked, and I rapidly blinked.

Luca cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing my quivering bottom lip. “Then why don’t you want me to meet your parents?”

Dropping my gaze, I tried to find the right words. “My parents have the uncanny abilityto bring out the worst in me, and they love to talk about how messed up I am. I guess I’m just worried that once you see the real me, you won’t be so in . . . in.”

“In love with you?” His fingers spread into my hair, holding me in place. “I’m in love with you,Sasha. No parent bullshit will change that. Please try to trustme.”

The first tear fell down my cheek. Nodding, I fisted his shirt in my hands. “I’ll try.”

He brushed his lips against mine in a kiss completely at odds with the harsh hold we had on one another. His soft, feather-light caresses left me breathless, yearning for more.

Luca pulled back, breaking the sweet kiss. “Now, let’s get our asses in there before I show you just how much I love every single part of you.” The heat in his gaze sent a spike of arousal through my body. A quick scan of the car confirmed that my fat ass wouldn’t fit over the console between our seats—damn sports cars.

“Stop plotting our fucking and get out of the car.”

Shutting off the motor, he got out, and I slowly followed. Before I made it three steps, Luca was at my side, his arm wrapped around my waist. He kissed behind my ear and whispered,“Seat laid down, your back against the dashboard, legs on either side of my hips as I fuck you from below. Or seat pushed back, your hands on the dash as you bounce up and down on my cock. Those were the first two that came to mind.”

I laughed. He knew me too well. Despite the panic weighing down my chest, Luca could still make me laugh and could take my mind off the nightmare at hand. Warmth beat back the bad feelings trying to overwhelm me, and for the first time that day, I thought everything would be okay.

Stopping just shy of the front steps,I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you.” The words spilled out. I hadn’t meant to say it there, in front of my childhood home. I’d wanted to say it in a much more meaningful and potentially sexy way, but thems the breaks.

A breathtaking smile spread across his face as he scooped me up, his lips attacking every inch of skin he could reach. I squealed with laughter, dragging my fingers through his hair and egging him on.

Pressed sotightly to Luca, his arousal brushed against me.

“New plan. We get back in the car and tell your parents we had an emergency.”

Shaking my head, I patted him on the shoulder. “No. No, I need to show off my amazing boyfriend.”

He threw his head back in a sigh. “If you must.” His smile hadn’t dimmed even a little as he pecked my lips.A slap to his ass, and we shuffled up the stairs.

I raised my hand to knock, but Mom was already pulling the door open.

“Sasha!” Grabbing my shoulders, she wrapped me in a tight hug. I struggled to reciprocate because she had my arms pinned down. One second later, she shoved me into the house and set her sights on Luca.

“You must be Luca! Get over here. Let me get a look at you!”

Ushering an unsure Luca into the well-lit living room, she patted his hand. “It’s so good to finally meet you. Sasha is so secretive about her life that I feel like you’re a complete stranger.”


Her gaze cut to me in a warning to shut up, and then she looked back at Luca with adoration shining in her eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck, a small smile etched on his face.

Taking both mom’s hands in his, he turned on the Moretti charm. “It’s so nice to meet you. I can see where Sasha gets her beautiful figure.”

I winced.

A girlish laugh left Mom’s mouth, her eyes sizing me up. “Maybe when she was in high school, but it’s been a few years since we’ve been able to share clothes. Isn’t that right, honey?”

I nodded and focused my attention on the old pictures that lined the walls. Photos of me with the volleyball team, with my high school boyfriend at prom, and me at graduation in a tight white dress hung like a memorial to the girl I used to be. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think I died senior year of high school.

“She’s always had a sweet tooth.” Mom’s hand gestured to me, all of me.

Luca slowly dropped mom’s hands and joined me at the time warp wall. He chuckled, and I turned to look at him.