Page 61 of Shattered Obsession

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Is that everything?” Bri asked holding a box up.

Camila looked around the empty apartment and smiled. “Yeah, I think so.”

“Are you going to miss it?” Bri asked looking at the space.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so,” she said thinking about it.

“Good.” Bri smiled brilliantly, her eyes lighting up with merriment. “I’m glad you and Morganna are going to be living with us.”

“And I am glad you’ve got your voice back.” Camila chuckled. “Now I can’t imagine a time when you weren’t talking.”

Brianna laughed, a loud musical laugh that showed off the absolute joy in her spirit. “I know, right?”

* * *

“Camila, sweetheart?”

She heard her name, and opened her eyes. Samuel was holding himself above her with his hands braced on the bed to either side of her head. He was smiling down at her, and she returned it sleepily, before closing her eyes.

He chuckled. “Don’t go back to sleep. Everyone is already awake, and we have a lot to get done today.”

She groaned and rolled over, burying her head in the pillow. “Five more minutes,” she mumbled.

Samuel just chuckled again. She felt his hand brush the side of her face as he swept her hair aside, then a kiss pressed against her temple, moving down the side of her face to her jaw. She sighed, tilting her head into the movements.

“There’s a lot of preparations to be made still, though, so come on, sweetness. You know if you don’t get up now, your mom and Bri will just be in here to wake you up,” he snorted. “Honestly, it’s like they’re more enthusiastic about this whole thing than even we are.”

Camila rolled over blinked her eyes up at him for that. “I’m pretty enthusiastic too, you know.”

He hummed. “Are you?” He arched a brow and then threw her a mischievous grin. He climbed from the bed, and then he tugged her out of bed along with him.

With an exasperated sigh, she went. “Fiiiiinnnne. I’m up. Happy?”

“Ecstatic.” He kissed her lips and grinned.

First, they went to the bathroom for a shower. They were on a time limit, so there was no sexy times to be had in the bathroom, but Samuel did stop to rub his hand along her stomach. He always had this awed look on his face whenever he did it, and Camila couldn’t help but smile at it.

The pregnancy was coming along nicely. At a bit over five months along, she had just started showing. It might be because it was her first time, according to her mom, so the pregnancy took longer to be obvious. It was only a light lump now, enough that she could hide under her clothes if they were a little loose.

She had more or less gone back to her life. She still worked at the blog, though she didn’t show up as regularly as she had before. She’d only been back for a month, and everyone had been completely understanding of her situation once she explained it. They had been worried for her, too.

Samuel had told her she didn’t have to work, but Camila actually liked her job, at least the part of it that meant she got to take pictures, so that was the agreement she made with her boss. She would continue on at their photographer, taking pictures when needed, but no more writing, and no more interviews.

“It was the reason I got to meet you, too,” she pointed out, when he got insistent.

It was enough to shut him up.

In her condition, she wasn’t doing a lot of work anyway, but the assignments she currently had fit just perfectly into her life.

After all, they were preparing for both a wedding and a baby, and how could those stories not be popular? Especially when you added the name Samuel Kane to some of the articles.

“You don’t actually have to treat me like glass, you know?” Camila sighed, secretly loving his pampering.

After their shower, Samuel carried her back to their bedroom, where he set her down on the bed, then proceeded to wipe her down tenderly.