Page 47 of Shattered Obsession

“Yes,” Camila answered, wiggling against him. She felt breathless with anticipation.

With a kiss to her lips, he thrust forward, sliding smoothly into her body.

“Ah,” she sighed, clutching at him.

They were still for a moment and then Samuel started to move.

Camila mirrored his movements, rocking her hips against his. Their bodies moved together, panting breaths and light moans filling up the room in moments. They held each other as they made love, her hands roaming the length of his back, feeling the shifting in his muscles as his body flexed with every thrust of his hips.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, as he poured kisses all over her where his lips could reach, her face, neck, shoulders and down to her chest. The pleasure built and built, and they peaked in unison, trembling together.

After they made love, Camila fell asleep. She snuggled into Samuel’s side and had the most relaxed sleep she’d had since everything had happened.

Samuel woke her up again hours later, bringing her dinner. They ate and watched another movie, a silly comedy this time, and then they both went to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

* * *

The next morning,she awoke to Samuel shaking her arm. Stretching, she sat up and smiled at him. “Good morning,” she commented before seeing his expression. “What’s wrong?”

“Jacobs just called. Your mom and Brianna are headed up here. We may be playing host to some police officers as well.”

“What? Why?” Camila asked suddenly fearful.

His lips flattened as he sat down on the bed next to her. “We’re all joining protective custody. The police lieutenant insisted, apparently. After Jacobs explained, I can’t disagree with it. Adrien is dangerous to all of us right now. The lieutenant agreed to let us stay here, but he wants us all together. Jacobs said they’d send people to guard us.”

“I thought you said your team had it covered.”

“I’m not saying they don’t. But we don’t know how long this is going to take, and we can’t stay here indefinitely. I’ve had all of the accounts that Adrien has access to frozen. So unless he has money I don’t know about, which is entirely possible, we’ll make it difficult for him to get to us.”

“Okay. Do we have enough here for everyone?” she asked.

“We’ll figure something out. How about you go on in and have a shower, relax a bit. You don’t have to worry, sweetheart. I’ll keep you safe.”

Camila nodded and bit her lip, feeling uneasy. Still she allowed him to coax her to the bathroom for a shower. This was familiar to her. Before, when Adrien had first escaped from prison, the police had wanted to put them under protective custody. The police even patrolled by the mansion to look after them. Samuel had been against it, he’d wanted his men to keep them safe, but he’d given in. In the end, it hadn’t mattered. Adrien still kidnapped her.

It won’t be like that this time… right?

The situation now was different. Adrien had been obviously sick, so he was limited in what he could do. He didn’t even know about the safe house, so he didn’t have the knowledge of the layout or anything, even if he managed to find it somehow. She was safe here. She had to believe that.

She decided not to worry about it and put it out of her mind while she was in the shower. Then she joined Samuel and they prepared breakfast together. She was feeling relaxed and happy as they cleaned things up. As she was putting the last dish in the dishwasher, there was a knock at the door.

Samuel went into the living room and pushed the intercom next to the door. “Hello?”

“It’s us.”

Camila recognized her mom’s voice. Her mom and Samuel’s sister had arrived.

Samuel opened the door and smiled as Bri crashed into his arms. “I’ve missed you too, Bri.”

Bri snuggled closer, squeezing him in her arms.

“Hi, Mom.” Camila was enveloped in a hug of her own. Her eyes met Samuel’s over her mother’s head and they both smiled. “I’m glad you’re both here.”