Page 34 of Shattered Obsession

The real problem, would be her mind. But he should probably have her checked before they talk so he could gauge how she was doing.

“It’s fine,” he muttered. “Just be careful.”

The paramedic nodded, then picked up a bag and opened it. Then, he took out a stethoscope, and moved to sit on the other side of the cot in the cramped space. “Ma’am, I’m going to look you over. Will this be okay with you?” His voice was soft and careful.

Camila remained tense for another moment, then nodded.

Samuel adjusted her so she was seated properly on the cot. As the paramedic did his thing, Samuel looked out the back window at the burning farmhouse as they left it far behind. He hoped they’d find Adrien, and then he could relax.

They arrived at the hospital in no time. Samuel needed to leave Camila to go to the reception and fill in the paperwork so she could get a room and treatment, but when he tried to release her, she started kicking up a fuss.

In the end, a compromise was made. Because she wasn’t injured, other than the bruised cheek and busted lip, and would just need a checkup, they would be given a room and the nurse would bring the papers for him to fill out. At first they were going to give her a bed in a ward, but Samuel wasn’t having that. "No, I want her in a private room,” he demanded.

“Sir—” the nurse attempted to persuade him.

“You aren’t listening. A. Private. Room. Now.” His tone brooked no argument.

“Let me see what I can do,” the nurse replied with a sigh.

She returned a moment later. “We have one available, it’s this way.” She led them down the hall to the elevator and pushed a button. After a minute of riding up to the next floor, they stepped out and she continued leading them to the room. “It’s not really necessary for her injuries, I doubt we’ll be keeping her long—”

“That is not the point.” Samuel set her down on the bed, and gently released her arms from his neck. She was asleep, so he sat with her as she lay on the bed. "I’ll fill out the paperwork while we wait for the doctor,” he whispered, not wanting to wake her.

He took the clipboard from the nurse and waited until she left the room before he started. He heard Camila give a little whimper in her sleep, but he kept writing as he glanced at her to make sure she was all right. He knew she was right there; with him and safe. But his heart still hadn't calmed down. It still hadn't sunk in that he had her back after so long apart.

A different nurse stopped by a while later to pick up the paperwork. “A doctor will be coming in to see her shortly,” she said in assurance.

“That’s fine. Also, could I get a phone in here, please? Or is using my cell phone okay?”

He had to let Morganna and Brianna know. He was sure they were both anxious for news. He hadn't received any calls or texts, but they were probably just too nervous to bother him.

“Please don’t use your cell phone within this ward of the hospital. It will mess with other patients’ equipment. There is a phone in the bottom cabinet of the table next to the bed. We don’t keep it out because it is a distraction to the patients.” With that, she turned and went about setting up an IV, she even managed to attach it to her hand without waking her. When she was finished, she left them alone in the room.

Samuel turned to look at Camila. Then, he stood up and dragged a chair closer to the bed. She was lying on her back with the IV drip attached to the back of her right hand.

Seeing her lying there, she looked so small and pale. It made his chest ache, and he wondered what Adrien could have put her through to have her acting the way she was. He wanted to know what her time had been like with him, but he was sure it wouldn’t be good to ask. He didn’t want to make her think of bad things, but the thought wouldn’t leave him.

He knew Adrien had hit her, though, he could see that plainly on her face. The huge bruise on her cheek had been hard to ignore and he knew it had to hurt as much as her busted lip. Carefully, he reached his hand out, but didn’t dare poke at the mark. It look fresh, so Adrien must have done it just before they arrived. His hand clenched, an inch away from Camila’s face, and he drew it slowly back. He held his clenched fist in his other hand, and just watched her.

There was also that strange collar around her neck. It didn’t look like it was hurting her, but she had flinched when he’d touched it…

The doctor was supposed to come and give her a check-up, but because he knew he wouldn’t be allowed inside while that was happening, he would make sure they waited until she was awake and consenting first. If she didn’t want anyone touching her…

After a while, there was a light knock on the door. He thought it was the nurse coming back with the doctor, so with a glance over at her, he got up and went to the door. Only, there was a cop there, instead.

Knowing it had to be about Adrien, he stepped out and partially closed the door behind him.

“Did they find him?” he demanded.

The officer shook his head. “The firefighters arrived a while ago, and are working on putting out the flames at the farmhouse, though it’s slow going. Nothing else yet.”

He nodded, figuring it hadn't been that long yet.

“Thank you for letting me know.”

“They will be looking for your brother… or his body later, if you’d like to be there, sir. Please excuse me.”

The officer turned and walked away. Samuel didn’t want to leave Camila alone, but he was really tempted to go, just to make sure…