Page 41 of Shattered Obsession

When she talked about it, actually, it all seemed so surreal. Like it was a work of fiction and not her own life. Everything that had gone down with Adrien, even the parts that she had thought in the moment they weren’t so bad, were horrific.

As she spoke, she had to remind herself over and over in her mind that she was safe now, she was back with Samuel, Bri, and her mom, and Adrien was gone. He wouldn’t be bothering her anymore.

At times through the story, she knew she rambled. At other times, she paused for long moments, lost in her memories, before remembering where she was and what she was doing.

Officer Grimes didn’t write it all down, his little note pad wasn’t big enough to hold the entire story, but he did turn on a little hand held recorder when she started speaking. They would have it all on record.

Camila managed to get thorough the entire story in one sitting, but it still took half the night.

Finally, Officer Grimes seemed to be done with his questions, and stood up. “Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Blake, I am so sorry that you had to go through that, and retell it,” he said carefully. “Your information will help us a lot in catching this guy, so please, don’t worry.”

Camila frowned. Her eyes flew to Samuel’s and she could see it in his gaze, the worry was still there. Her heart began to race in fear and her stomach rolled. “What do you mean?” she asked, turning back to him. “I thought… I remember there was an explosion at the farmhouse. Adrien was inside when it happened… Are you saying—” she broke off in fear.

“Yes, there was an explosion, you are correct. A few of our officers were injured in the blast. We couldn’t get into the house until the fire was under control. It took a while before anyone realized we couldn’t find his body… but don’t worry,” Officer Grimes added quickly, trying to be reassuring. It seemed he’d only just realized she hadn't known this piece of news. “We’re definitely on his tail and it shouldn’t be too long now. We’ll catch him, Ms. Blake.”

Camila’s eyes were wide and her fear returned full force. Adrien was loose and probably after her again.