Page 38 of Tangled Obsession

She couldn’t hear his footsteps behind her, and she almost dared to have hope as she pushed her body to keep moving. The highway was a bit of a distance away, but not that far. She could only hope there would be a car passing by the time she got there, but even if there wasn’t one, she would just follow the road and hope to come across one before Adrien could catch up.

Dammit! If only I had my arms free, too.


She heard his scream behind her, but of course there was no way she was going to stop or turn back. She couldn’t! She had to get away. If she could just get to the—

Out of nowhere, pain enveloped her body, and she felt like she was on fire. Camila let out a rough sound in her throat before her sound cut off. She fell to the ground, her body had gone still, wracked with painful seizures. She could feel her eyes roll back in her head and she blacked out. She came to a minute later, panting through the gag and she attempted to get up. She made it to her knees.

Then something hit her nerves again and she felt like her body would turn to mush. The pain stopped and she collapsed over her knees, where her body continued to twitch uncontrollably. Her thoughts were disjointed but she had a feeling, if she hadn't had the piece of cloth in her mouth, she might have accidentally bit off her tongue.

She was leaning forward, until her forehead almost met her knees, trying to breathe as she felt drool run down her chin, mucus coming out of her nose, and her eyes overflowed with tears. She was breathing in gasps, and still trying to get her body to move even as her mind acclimated to the new horror.

When is it going to fucking stop? she thought with a sob. What the fuck is this?

“So, Camila,” Adrien said, voice sounding casual as he came up behind her. “I feel I don’t even need to ask this, but what have you learned?”

A tremor rocked her insides, and she forced her head up to glare at him. He was obviously just playing with her now, and she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. She could just imagine the mess she was right then, and seeing the amusement on his face totally killed her pride. Right then, she wished she still had a gun in her hands, pointed right at him. She would have pulled the trigger without a second thought.

Adrien just seemed more amused by her look of defiance, and he smirked as he lifted his hand. Camila’s eyes shifted to it, and she noticed the small, black rectangle he was holding. He pressed something on it, and Camila’s throat scratched with another scream that wouldn’t fully come out. Her body flopped sideways onto the ground, and she rolled around until she had her back bowed, eyes closed as she suffered through the next round of shock.

Again, ten seconds later, Adrien stopped it, and this time, Camila was left sobbing once more, her chest heaving as she tried to breathe at the same time. Spit was overflowing in her mouth, and as she slumped back onto the ground, before she could even care about hurting her hands beneath her, she choked on spit and rolled onto her side, hacking a few times. Not that it helped.

Damn. Damn you, Adrien!

It took her a bit of time to regain herself.

Adrien chuckled, seeing the image she made on the ground. “You know, I think I like you like this, Camila. Obedient and at my feet, exactly where you should be. You know, if you hadn't fought me so hard you wouldn’t have wound up this way, though. I want us to get along. Really.”

Camila didn’t trust him at all. Not with that widening, maddening grin on his face.

With her body trembling, she rolled once more, squirming until she was back to kneeling, then looked up at him again with the same glare from before after she’d blinked her eyes clear.

Adrien chuckled some more. He turned the rectangle in his hand around so she could see, then lowered his thumb on the button that brought so much pain to her. Her body instantly froze as she stared at that hand, feeling afraid as she waited for pain to hit her again. Right then, it wasn’t like she was suddenly brave, but she had always been stubborn. Her willpower was all that was keeping her up, but it wouldn’t be enough to last through another of those shocks. Seeing the look of fear that crossed her face, Adrien laughed at her as he pulled his thumb from the button.

“I gotcha,” he chortled, bending over and wrapping an arm around his stomach. “You should have seen your face.”

Camila looked at him with disgust and horror. He was hurting her, and here he was seriously treating it like some fucking joke? She’d had people scare her before and give her similar reactions, of course, but not someone who thought that shocking her into submission was a new one. More than anything, it made her angry.

“You fucker!” she cursed at him.

But no matter what she said, no matter how loud she tried to be, the gag muffled her words and made them incomprehensible. Adrien, though, looked like he knew what she was trying to say, and it just made him laugh some more.

Camila felt totally humiliated. She was going to try spewing some more curses at him, whether he got to hear them or not but to vent her own anger, when she gave a full body twitch that upset her stomach. Feeling sick, Camila hacked, her stomach and throat spasming as she tried to throw up, even though besides the spit she’d just swallowed, there was nothing for her stomach to expel. Lucky for her, because the gag was still there, and it would be too disgusting to choke on her own vomit.

She didn’t miss how Adrien immediately backed off with a quiet, “Whoa.”

It took her a minute to realize he was fastidious. For someone on the run, besides the bandage over his shoulder, he was actually really well-dressed in pressed dark slacks and a dark shirt, with leather shoes on his feet.

Her mind couldn’t focus on it for long, though, not while she was dealing with shock, literally, and also a creeping case of bad nausea that she couldn’t figure out the reason for. She could stand the shocks, but the attack of nausea had been sudden and out of nowhere as the pain was fading. She wondered if it was a side effect from the shocks.

“Now, then,” Adrien murmured to himself after a minute when she didn’t look like she was going to throw up. “Let’s go inside and set up, shall we? No naughty games this time, Camila. We’ve got a lot of shit to do if we’re gonna sleep tonight, you know? Behave.”

He repeated the word, but the force behind it this time had doubled. Just from his voice, her body gave a fearful shiver. This time, when he picked her up by the arm, she didn’t fight him as much, though she could feel the nausea rise again at the feeling of seeing that body again. So she tried to squint and roll her eyes up not to see the ground, feeling her stomach give a few spasms before calming down again.

As Adrien dragged her inside, Camila made a mental note to find that rectangular clicker the minute Adrien went to sleep.