Page 27 of Ménage My Bosses



“Kitty cat. Check in with us.” West’s voice holds a note of concern.

Awareness slowly returns. I sit up, blink, and look at both of them. Okay, Rob’s cock is still hard, so I couldn’t have been out too long. I tilt my head up and smile at West. “That was one hell of an orgasm.”

There is relief in his answering smile. “Good.” He hands me my bottle of water from earlier, and I take a deep drink. “Are you ready to stop?”

“No!” My response is instinctive, and the strength of it shakes me. What the hell? I’m far, far too invested. This is way more than casual sex.

I’m in over my head. I should grasp the out West offered me.

He tilts his head to one side. “Are you sure?”

Oh God. Did I come across as too desperate? Too eager? Rather belatedly, I try to play it cool. “If you want to stop, that’s obviously fine,” I reply. “But I’m still green.”

West glances at Rob, who tucks his cock back into his pants. Damn it. Some unspoken communication passes between the two of them, and then Rob rises to his feet.

“I believe you said you wanted to be tied up,” he says conversationally.


He moves in front of me. He bends forward and puts his hands on my knees.

I suck in a breath. He’s so close that I can feel the warmth radiate from him. He’s so close that he might even figure out I’m wearing contacts. I saw that happen in a movie. The person in disguise blinked, and the contact shifted over her pupil, and she was discovered. Fuck. I’d forgotten all about that when Cat was doing her magic. Otherwise, I’d have asked her if that’s a thing that happens.

Rob breaks his gaze and moves my legs apart. I exhale in a flood of relief.

“You have to ask,” he prompts me.

“Ask?” My brain feels wooly, and I have no idea what he’s talking about.

“If you want to be tied up, you’ll have to ask me to do it.” He steps back. “Nicely,” he adds with a grin.

That smile is heart-stoppingly sexy and impossible to resist. “Please tie me up,” I tell him.

“Of course.” He takes my hands and rests them on the arm of the chair. He steps back and gives me another appraising once-over and then heads to the wardrobe. “Stay there,” he tosses over his shoulder. “Don’t move.”

Wasn’t planning on it.

West sits on the couch opposite me. His expression is unreadable. Is he going to play with himself the way Rob did? I bite my lip as fresh desire floods through me. I want that.

I want a whole lot more than that.

Rob opens the wardrobe doors and carefully surveys his options. He takes a few minutes to make his selection and walks back to me with a smile playing on his lips and leather restraints dangling from his hands.

West gets to his feet. “You forgot something,” he says.

“I did?”

“Mmm.” He retrieves a riding crop from the wardrobe, and my mouth goes dry. “I do believe I’m going to enjoy this.”

I’m in a sex club; there are cameras everywhere. This scene is being monitored. There’s no need to be nervous.

In the split-second before I remember all of that, I listen to what my instincts are telling me.

And it’s trust.