Did she imagine it, or was his expression different? Reminiscent of her father’s—aloof, disapproving and… what was that? Something simmering behind his eyes. Could it be anger? Then he appeared to collect himself and the usual impassive, mannered expression settled back onto his face.

“I’m glad to see you well, Your Highness. I… we were all so concerned.”

“There was no need,” she said, turning away to collect her personal things. “I told you on the video call that I was safe.”

“But you didn’t say what the issue was.”

She shot him a sharp look. “No, I didn’t.” And she had no intention of saying anything to him about it. She looked away. “Now, maybe we can get on our way.” She looked around the tent and tried not to think of what she’d found here. Fleeting happiness in the arms of a man who was indifferent to her.

“Of course, my queen. I took the liberty of providing you some refreshments for the journey.”

“You think I was lacking in refreshment here?” She sighed heavily. “So be it, if it makes you happy and we can get on our way.” Really, she didn’t know why Abzari was fussing so, but at least someone was. She downed the glass in one and handed it back to him. “Now, perhaps we can proceed.”

She climbed into the back of the Range Rover and settled her robes around her, noting that cushions had been added. Again, it seemed Abzari was determined to make her feel comfortable on the short journey back to her country.

“Settle back, my queen,” he said, their eyes meeting in the rear view mirror. “And I will return you to where you belong.”

She sighed as a peculiar languor swept over her. Suddenly the cushions seemed more inviting.

“Maybe,” she murmured. She rested her head against the cushion and felt herself slide to one side. She felt too tired to be surprised as the light faded quickly and she fell into a dreamless sleep where not even Xander could reach her.

“What the hell are you doing?”Xander lifted up his sunglasses and eyed the men he’d told to stay with Elaheh. “I told you to stay with her until I gave word!”

The men muttered and looked askance, not willing to say that they took the word of a woman over Xander.

He stood with his hands on his hips, surveying his men. “Don’t tell me. I know. I suppose she dismissed you and you had no choice.”

The men nodded, and muttered again. Xander turned away, exasperated. That woman! Why couldn’t she do as he wanted for once? He gnawed his lip, still with his back to his men. He didn’t want them to see exactly how concerned he was by the thought of her alone, in the desert, with only a few domestic staff for company until her own staff arrived.

He’d assumed she would do as he’d suggested and wait until she’d heard for sure about the identity of the letter writer and only then return home. But, now he thought back, he realized she’d never said she agreed. He’d made that assumption.

And, it seemed after a quick call to the skeleton domestic staff who’d remained to care for her, there had been only one person turn up to meet her—not her usual security team. And, they hadn’t set off in the direction of Tawazun but had turned, deeper into the desert, toward the Empty Quarter.

What was she playing at? Maybe she’d asked her vizier to take her somewhere more secure, away from everyone else? Who knew with Ela?

He fidgeted with the car keys in his pocket, intuition desperately wanting him to return to Ela. This was ridiculous. She was a grown woman who could look after herself. But still the thought of her—eyes opened wide, her mouth breathing his name as she responded to his intimate touch, her soul and heart hurt by the past—shot into his mind’s eye. He had to know she was okay. There was no way he could return home until he knew she was safe.

“Your Highness!” One of his men held out his phone. “News from the palace!”

Xander had no idea what kind of news but he had a feeling it wouldn’t be good.

He took the phone. “Yes?”

“It’s the Grand Vizier of Tawazun, Your Highness,” said one of his security team that he’d tasked with finding out the identity of the letter writer. “We’ve had a breakthrough. It seems he’d got sloppy as he’d become more desperate to find her.”

“What are you talking about? What has the grand vizier to do with the stalker?”

“Everything, sir. Heisthe stalker. Abzari wrote those threatening letters.”

Xander felt the blood rush from his face as he swore under his breath. “Does she know yet?”

“No, sir. You instructed me to come direct to you with any news.”

“Good,” said Xander, his brain racing through the different scenarios. If Elaheh didn’t know, her Grand Vizier wouldn’t know he was on to him. It gave him a slight advantage. He finished the call and issued new commands. There was no way he was risking Elaheh’s life by doing what he wanted—go after her alone and wrest her from her vizier. He needed back-up; he needed whatever it took to make sure Ela was safe.

He turned around his vehicle and, with a convoy of security cars following, retraced his steps, but not towards the castle, toward the Empty Quarter, toward the place where Elaheh had last been seen heading.

The first time she awoke,the world revealed itself to Ela in out-of-focus freeze frames, one after another—disjointed and confusing. She had no idea where she was, or whether she was dreaming. In the end she closed her eyes and drifted away into unconsciousness again.