Xander made a scoffing sound.

“Don’t dismiss that, Xander. I know you do. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have made this call to me. I understand, probably more than you know. And”—he glanced to where Xander guessed Shakira was standing—“now I share my life with my love Itrulyunderstand. It will happen again for you. Don’t let the past become a barrier to your happiness.” He gave someone a heart-stopping grin and Xander felt a shift in his own heart. Then Roshan turned back to him. “And, you know, I think Elaheh might be just the person to force you to find your heart.”

“I’m not letting Elaheh loose with my heart. Who knows where it will end up.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but she sure has the force to batter down your defenses, and that’s what’s needed right now. And, I suspect, it’s a process which she’s begun already. Anyhow, I have to go. Take care, and call me soon.”

Xander logged off and sat back in his chair, looked up at the ceiling and blinked. It was good to talk to Roshan. It eased the pain of his loss a little. But as to the rest? It was nonsense, except for Elaheh being forceful enough to kick down his defenses. He’d have to watch that.

Chapter 9

“No,” Xander said, the next morning. “It’s out of the question.”

“But,” pouted Elaheh, replacing her tea cup and reaching out for his hand across the breakfast table. “You asked me what I wanted to do, and going into the desert is what I want to do.” He took her hand in his but his frown didn’t disappear as she’d hoped. She tossed her napkin onto the table and rose, watching as his eyes were drawn to her as if to a magnet. She could get used to this. She walked around the table and leaned over his shoulder, pressing her breasts to his back, and kissed his cheek. “Didn’t you mean it when you said we could do anything I wished?”

He huffed a frustrated sigh. “Of course I did.” He twisted around and caught her lips in a brief but devastating kiss. It was nearly enough to make her forget what she wanted. Nearly, but not quite. “I thought you’d want something reasonable, to do something inside the castle, where it’s safe.”

“My requestisreasonable. You love the sea and we spent a morning at the beach. And I love the desert, and would like to spend some time there. That’s reasonable and fair.”

“Wearein the desert.”

“We’re in a castle—” interrupted Elaheh.

“Amedievalcastle—” corrected Xander.

“A medieval castle with all the trappings of a luxurious palace.”

Xander shrugged. “What do you have against luxury? I, for one, enjoy it.”

She desperately wanted him to want what she wanted. But, it seemed, they were opposites. He loved the water and the sea, she hated it. She loved the dry desert heat, and it appeared he hated that. At night they’d found mutual pleasure but, it seemed, their differences were all too obvious in the cold light of day.

“I’m a simple Bedouin woman who feels most at home in the desert. That’s all.”

Xander grunted. “There is nothing simple about you, Queen Elaheh.”

She pouted again. She liked the way his gaze slid to her lips as if he wanted to kiss them. “You call me by my full name and title when you’re cross with me.”

“I’m not cross with you. It’s only…”

“It’s only nothing. You obviously have no real objection, so why don’t we stop arguing and get going?” She grinned. “I’ve given instructions to ready the horses and prepare the camp ahead of us. And don’t worry, while we’llfeelalone, I’ve taken the liberty of ensuring we’ll be safe. Your men won’t be far away.”

“You’ve what?” Xander exploded. “Ela!”

She pressed her finger against his lips. “It’s okay. We’ll be safe.” She moved her finger over his lips and she knew she had him when he licked her finger. It didn’t take a mind-reader to figure out where his thoughts were straying. She took a calming breath. As much as she was tempted, she wasn’t about to be diverted from her plans. Besides, there would be plenty of time to experience all Xander had to offer in the desert. “The desert will be just that—deserted, or mostly. We can do whatever we choose to do.” She raised a suggestive eyebrow.

His eyes darkened in a dangerous and seductive warning. “And where, exactly, is our destination?”

“The Shuruq Alshams Wahah.”

“Sunrise Oasis,” said Xander, giving it its western name. “And no further?”

“Maybe. Maybe not.” The Sunrise Oasis wasn’t her ultimate destination, but she decided not to tell him where they’d spend the night. It was further away and would no doubt elicit an even more negative response. They’d have no choice but to continue on if they wanted a tent to sleep in.

“Okay, but no further.”

“Great! You’ll enjoy it, you’ll see,” she added. And she really did hope he would see, because she yearned for the intimacy of the night before. The pleasure he’d given her was turning out to be a drug—once tasted the cravings only increased, demanding satisfaction. Well, she had the prospect of a full day and night alone with him and she knew Xander wouldn’t be able to refuse those particular demands.

Xander could have stoppedthe expedition to the desert oasis. Of course he could. But it seemed he was unable to deny Ela anything. Watching her natural passions emerge the previous night had had an effect on him he didn’t wish to consider. As they walked through the castle to prepare themselves for the horse ride ahead—he tried not to shudder at the idea of the ride—her animated face was reward enough for his sacrifice. At least they were venturing no further than the Shuruq Alshams Oasis.