“Yes please.”


She loved the way his lips formed the word good. She tried to kiss him, but he shook his head.

“Not yet. In a little while maybe. After I’ve given you some pleasure.”

She liked the sound of that.

“Now, remember, you can stop at any time.”

“Stop what?”

“Stop me from doing what I’m about to do to you.” He pressed his finger to her open lips. “And before you can ask what I’m about to do to you, remember, trust me.”

She bit her lip but nodded. She felt at war with herself but her body’s needs were winning once more.

He lifted skeins of her thick hair and rubbed it between his fingers. “You have beautiful hair. You should always wear it down when we are together, like this.”

She nodded, again. At that moment she felt as if she were in some kind of thrall to him and would do anything. So much for being in control. It seemed that surrendering a little of that control—or a lot—gave her a surprising amount of pleasure.

Then all thought vanished into a puff of air as he lowered his lips, not to her waiting ones, but to her neck. His lips and breath were warm against her skin and tickled it as he trailed kisses under her ear. He groaned and lifted his head. “You smell delicious.”

She would have returned the compliment if she’d been capable of forming words. But all she could do was to lift her chin and offer her neck again. It seemed she’d conveyed her message sufficiently as his lips descended once more. This time she felt the smooth trailing of his tongue as, instead of moving to her other ear, he moved down to her breasts which rose with a sharp intake of breath to meet his lips. She closed her eyes as she absorbed the sensation of his lips and tongue against her delicate skin. The feelings were unexpected and all encompassing. She cradled his head and kissed the top of his dark hair as his clever tongue continued to work its magic.

She felt his finger move along the edge of her bra and slip under its edge. He looked up. “May I?” he asked, as if he were about to top up her drink. She nodded. “Yes,” she breathed.

He needed no further encouragement and slipped his finger under her bra, his fingertip catching her erect nipple, causing her to gasp. His eyes were fixed on her to assess her reaction. Even he couldn’t have anticipated that she would react in quite such an extreme fashion.

The gasp turned noisier as he fingered her nipple under her bra. At the same time the exquisite sensations were centered on her breasts, deep inside of her, the same sensations were stirred—moistening her and sending ripples of pleasure as if he were somehow stroking her inside. She surrendered herself to the pleasure for only a few moments because the more she gained, the more she wanted.

She fumbled behind her to unhook her bra. She wanted nothing between his fingers and her skin. She grunted with frustration.

“Allow me,” Xander said with a grin. With one deft movement which was far more practised than Elaheh wanted to consider, she was free of the bra. But, instead of paying immediate attention to her freed breasts, he stepped away. For an awful moment she thought he wasn’t going to continue, as if ridding her of her bra was all he was going to do. But then, with one swift movement, she found herself in his arms, being carried to the bed. He sat down with her nestled in his lap and kissed her in a way which showed that her that he had no intention of stopping.

She moaned as their tongues met in a dance whose beat quickened with each pulse of her heart. She wanted to be closer and shifted on his lap, but still she wanted her flesh pressed against his. She broke off the kiss and opened her legs, kneeling either side of his hips so she could rub her bare breasts against his chest as she pressed her lips back to his again.

She was panting now, as they kissed, her nipples stimulated against his chest hair. And, as she moved against his chest, her hips also moved in a circular motion, caressing the erection which, while covered, was still very much in evidence. All fears were forgotten.

She pulled away from the kiss with a gasp and arched her neck away, as she focused on the intense sensations which were growing as she rubbed against him, adjusting her stance as she figured out which part of her was giving her pleasure.

He kissed and tasted her neck as she closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the sensations which washed through her in waves, quickening. Then he lifted her breasts into his hands and rubbed her nipples. A gasp tore from her lungs as the sensations amplified inside. She didn’t know what was happening to her, she had no idea what to do apart from what her body was dictating to her. She felt she was being urged on, but had no idea as to the destination.

It was only when she felt the warm, wet heat of his mouth around her breast and nipple that the tensions intensified and she knew she needed release from the thrall which held her. She rubbed herself against him harder and thrust her breast into his mouth. She could feel the wet in her panties soaking against his shorts but didn’t care. She needed more, she needed to continue to get whatever lay at the end of this sensation.

He moved from one breast to the other. Still she panted and moved against him, caught in a fever pitch of desire but with no knowledge where to go next.

Then he licked his finger and touched her and she stopped mid movement. He touched her there, that place which felt like the nub of her desire. He slid his finger beneath her soaking panties and rubbed her and caressed her. It was all she needed to shift to that place she needed to go.

She cried out as white-hot shimmers and pulses and flutters filled her. Then she called out his name as the shimmering movement inside her slowed and drained her. She slumped against him, suddenly exhausted, but sweetly so.

“Oh, Xander,” she breathed. “I had no idea.”

He cupped her face and kissed her. “No idea?”

“That such pleasure existed. I thought…” She trailed off and swallowed as the reality of what she’d thought for so long hit her. Tears pricked her eyes. “I thought sex was about pain, not pleasure.”

His lips twisted and he shook his head as if trying to deny what she’d just said. “No,” he said.