The second time she awoke her vision focused more quickly on a man seated the other side of a fire, his face familiar through the lick of solid orange flames. His eyes were fixed on her.

“Abzari! What’s happening? Where are we?”

“The place where you feel most at home, Elaheh. The desert, where we both belong.”

The one thing that instantly struck her was the use of her first name. He’d never called her by her name. And that he should now sent a deep stab of fear into her gut.

She rose unsteadily to her feet, and clutched her head, which throbbed with a headache the like of which she’d never before experienced.

“Why…” Then she looked at him again, and realized what he’d done. “What was in that drink you gave me?”

He rose and came over to her. The fire crackled and popped next to them. “Something to make it easier for you to have what it is you want.”

She shook her throbbing head. “What are you talking about? What the hell is going on, Abzari? Why did you drug me? Why did you bring me here?” She looked around into the darkness which had descended while she’d been in her own personal darkness. “And where are we anyway?”

“That doesn’t matter. What does matter, Elaheh, is that we are together at last, without people who could interrupt us.”

Before she could reply he took her hands in his—his hands which had never dared touch her before—and jerked her, not farther away, but closer to him. She collided with his chest and could smell the cloying scent he used, and for an instant she thought how different the smell of Xander was. Xander she wanted to inhale totally, but the smell of Abzari made her gag.

“What do you think you are doing? I repeat, take your hands off me immediately.”

His lip curled, and he shook its head. “No. You’re not going to get away from me again.”

“It was you, wasn’t it? You are the person who left the notes.”

“Of course. Who else loves you like I do? You didn’t even consider it would be me, did you? You and your family have always been so superior. But I have always been there for you. Your future is with me, by my side.”

Elaheh had to fight the fear which threatened to turn her legs to jelly. Think, she said to herself, think. “Of course, you’re right. You have always been there for me. But, what I don’t understand, is why you had to write to me. Why the notes? Why not simply tell me how you felt?”

“It wasn’t that easy. You saw me only as your vizier. I wanted you to see me as a man who wanted you for your purity, someone who would do anything for you.”

“I don’t want you to do anything for me. All I want is for you to work for me, as you have been doing. Nothing more.”

“Work?” His hold on her wrists tightened. “Is that all you want me for? I will show you there is more to me than that.”

He pulled her to him and she felt his breath on her face. Her breathing was coming fast. She felt like a trapped bird. All it would take would be for him to flex his hand and she felt as if she would snap.

Then he frowned, and shook his head. “Don’t be afraid, Elaheh.” She blanched. “It will be beautiful, and then, after, you will be mine, and you will come to love me as I love you.”

She stepped away, taking advantage of him letting her go. “You forget yourself, Abzari.”

His frown lifted. “No, you’re wrong. For the first time in a long time, I remember myself. I have been your family’s greatest supporter for years and now it’s time for payback.”

“I didn’t think you worked in order to receive payback. You think I owe you something?”

“Iknowyou do.”

With every statement she took a step back, her mind racing for a way to get away from her vizier, and back to safety. But then her heels slammed against the wall of a crumbling hut and she realized she had nowhere else she could move. Xander… The name echoed in her brain, taunting her. He’d told her stay where she was until he contacted her. He’d held her safe until she’d driven him away. But Xander couldn’t save her now. He had no idea where she was and no doubt he was safely back in his own palace. But his name might save her.

She tilted up her head. “And what, Abzari, do you consider I owe you?”

He stepped closer again, his palms pressed against the crumbling adobe walls, either side of her shoulders. She was trapped. His angry, intelligent eyes were changed by lust. She at least could recognize now when a man was aroused.

“You,” he said, his full lips forming the shape of a kiss.

She slammed her hand against his chest as he tried to take that kiss from her. “Stop right there! What can you possibly hope to gain by attacking me, your queen?”

He frowned, as if hurt. “Attacking? I’m not attacking you.” Then the frown vanished, replaced by a leer. “I’m about to make love to you.”