“And now, I wish you to take off your dress for me.”

A flutter of something other than desire swamped her. He seemed to understand for he caressed her shoulders. “I will not touch you unless you want me to. I promise you that. You are safe. You must understand that. Unless you do, I will leave immediately because this is all about trust, and nothing about fear. Do you understand?”

And in that moment the fear left her. There was a silence in which things could have turned on a dime, could have gone either way. She knew that life would change for her forever, depending on her response. But, before she could think through the gravity of her decision, she’d nodded. “Yes.” And spoken. It seemed her thought processes had been overtaken by something much stronger, much more demanding, much more ancient and persuasive than mere logic. “Yes,” she repeated, louder, more sure.

He relaxed his grip and spun her around in his arms. “Good. In that case, it’s time you undressed.”

She must have betrayed her nerves because he squeezed her shoulders reassuringly. “It’s up to you. All of it. You take control.” He grinned. “I’m sure you don’t mind doing that.” The grin dropped. “Beginning by taking off your clothes.”

Chapter 8

With trembling hands and a thumping heart Elaheh pushed the straps of her evening dress off her shoulders. She held his gaze, refusing to look away, despite the fact she knew her cheeks were as aflame as other parts of her.

She allowed the straps to slip lower, her dress barely held up by the swell of her breasts. She wondered if she should move, or whether he would. He didn’t move. It was up to her, just as he said it would be. She had control. At least for now. She could do this.

His dark eyes raked her shoulders and the top of her breasts, before returning to catch her gaze, breathing hot life back into her frozen body.

Yes, she could do this, but more than that—despite the sick feeling that lurked in the pit of her stomach, despite the fears which gripped her head in a tight band—shewantedto do this. The need was alive in every fiber of her being, co-existing with her anxiety. Her mind battled with her body, warning her to stop but her desire charged her body with an electric current which over-rode the thoughts which struggled to protect her from harm.

Without breaking that gaze, she pushed the straps off her arms and the satin dress slithered past her breasts and fell in a ruffle around her hips, revealing her bra and stomach. She sucked in a deep breath as the warm air caught her bare skin.

As his eyes descended once more she gritted her teeth as she remembered the plain state of her underwear. Why did she never pay much attention to it? She had small breasts and her bra was white, plain and sheer, and not in the least seductive. Or so she thought. But then she saw him swallow and she realized that she didn’t need a black lacy bra to seduce. The thought gave her confidence.

He flicked his gaze back up to hers. “May I touch you?”

She nodded. When the pad of his finger stroked her shoulder blade, slowly trailed across her collar bone to her throat and circled around the dip in her throat, she sucked in a sharp breath. His eyes immediately lifted to hers once more.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice huskier than she’d heard it before. It revealed a change in him which she hadn’t anticipated. It was like something of his external self was breaking down, something she had caused. Her confidence increased another notch.

“Yes,” she said. More than okay—much more—she could have added. But she was too intent on where his finger would move next to utter more than one word.

He continued to trace an invisible line down her chest before circling the soft swell of one breast and then another. She closed her eyes briefly as she tried to control her intense arousal which his touch ignited. The skin along which his finger moved had never been touched by a man and she felt impossibly naked, even though the dress still hung around her hips and her bra covered her breasts. She’d expected to be scared, instead she was thrilled.

“You, Ela,” he said, nudging the material of the bra a little to reveal the edge of her nipple, “are so beautiful, it hurts my eyes.” Desire tugged inside her.

“Close them, then,” she said, with a husky purr she didn’t recognize. It seemed that, despite her lack of experience, some things were instinctive.

His lips tweaked at the corners. “Okay, I’m in your hands.”

Despite the flutter of nerves, Elaheh felt triumphant. There was no doubt about it, she liked being in control. Even if she had no idea what to do with it. He must have sensed her doubts.

“Do whatever you feel like, Ela. There’s nothing you can do wrong, believe me.”

She stepped toward him, pressed her nose to his chest and inhaled.

“What are you doing?”

“Smelling you. I like how you smell.” That was the understatement of the year. He made her mouth water. Always had done, even if she’d refused to accept it. “You smell good.”

He dropped a kiss on her head and also took a deep breath. “And so do you. You know, I always knew when you were near because of that lemony smell. What is it?” His sexily narrowed gaze locked onto hers.

She swallowed and shrugged. “Lotion, I guess. Locally made.”

“Exotic, eclipsing all else around it—like you.”

“Close your eyes again.”
