With careful deliberation he dragged the empty spoon along her lips, and she let him. When he withdrew she licked her lips and he placed the empty spoon onto the plate with a clatter, and sat back.

She crossed her arms and rested them on the table, aware that the sheer satin clinging to her curves dipped to reveal the top of her breasts. She leaned towards him, her eyes narrowed. “I want more.”

This time, he swept some food onto his finger, and extended it to her. She closed her mouth around his finger, her eyes so close to his that she could see they were dark with desire.

He shook his head with surprise as he watched her swallow.

“And what have you learned, Xander?

“Things I should have known already.”

She leaned forward and licked his finger clean. “Like what?”

“That you are demanding, that you want control.”

She raised an eyebrow. “And you will give it to me?”

“Of course not. You will have to work for it.”

“And how do you propose I do that?”

“If you’ve finished eating, I suggest we adjourn to another, more suitable room.”

She rose first. Food was the last thing on her mind now. “Suitable? For what?”

He held out his hand and she took it. He leaned and whispered in her ear. “For me to give you pleasure like you’ve never experienced before.”

A bubble of desire burst inside her and she was shocked to find herself wet. She felt swollen and needy in the place which she’d vowed no man would ever know. But that was before she’d met Xander, before she’d put her trust so completely in him.

He squeezed her hand as if sensing her surprise. Then he pulled her to him, lifted her chin and pressed his lips to hers. He slid his tongue between her lips and swept her tongue. She gasped and opened her mouth wider to allow his tongue to explore her. She heard a groan and realized to her surprise that it was her own. Before she knew it her hands were around the back of his neck, making sure he couldn’t retreat from the kiss, and she’d pressed her hips against his. The sensations further fanned the fire of need which nestled in the most secret parts of her body.

He pulled away too soon. He took hold of her hands and dragged them down between them. “Slowly, Ela.”

She shook her head. “Indeed, not! I want more, now!”

“Ela. You are not to command. It is I who will command.”

“You really expect me to surrender my will to you?”

“Yes, because you trust me, and because I will make sure the act of surrender will give you greater pleasure than it would do otherwise.”

“I don’t understand.”

“No, but you will.”

“Come.” He tugged her hand and, for all his imperative of slowness, he walked quickly out the door, and she had to half-run to keep up with him. At the foot of the stairs he pulled her to him and she fell hard against him. He responded with a stormy kiss which had her panting with need.

“What now?” she asked.

“I want you to take off that fine dress and allow me to explore your body.”

Her sex pulsed with a desire she didn’t know she possessed. He wanted her naked in the hall? She didn’t hesitate, but began to fumble with the straps of her gown.

He grinned and re-did the strap. “Not here, not now. Maybe some other time. But now I wish for privacy.”

She gathered the skirts of her gown and they raced up the stairs. At his door, he pulled her to him and they kissed once more. Then he lifted her in his arms, pushed open the door with his foot and strode into his suite of rooms.

He set her down at the foot of the bed.