He shook his head. ‘I work in the building beside your shop.’

That hotel and tourism company? She didn’t want to tell him about the manager she’d met. She had the feeling this guy was moreseniormanagement than she was. ‘You’re really wealthy, aren’t you?’

‘Are you going to be nicer to me if I say yes?’

She shot him a scornful look. ‘I’m not a gold-digger.’

‘Never thought you were.’ He suddenly laughed. ‘I’ve met a few in my time and you don’t come across that way.’

‘Oh?’ He’d met a few gold-diggers? Had they tried to trap him? She was unaccountably jealous. ‘How do I come across?’

He sent her a long, considering look. ‘I think you are infinitely more dangerous.’

She gaped at him for a second then shook her head. ‘Rot. I’m the least threatening person you’re ever likely to meet.’

His chuckle was soft. ‘I strongly disagree.’

Her pulse lifted. She shouldn’t feel empowered. The guy didn’t even mean it. Yet her gaze was drawn to his. And his, while amused, was also serious and very, very intense. Those eyes of his weresuchseductive weapons—that blue, that patch of mystery. All he had to do was look at her. Was it his beauty that distracted her? No. It was the steely quality beneath. The assurance that oozed from him.


‘I can walk away from other women.’

His words stole her breath. ‘You can’t walk away from me?’

‘Apparently not.’

‘Then I guess we’re stuck here,’ she murmured. ‘Because I can’t walk away from you either.’ A husky, shy admission.

The lift door slid open and wordlessly he took her hand. A series of sizzling sparks shimmered up her arm. A rush of desire for more. He didn’t say anything more, nor did she as he led her into the suite.

‘I promised you pumpkin pie.’

‘Isn’t it too late to order from the hotel kitchen?’ she asked.

He chuckled. ‘You’re in the city that never sleeps. Midnight might as well be midday.’

Except there was something more magical about midnight. The lights weren’t on but the curtains weren’t drawn, so the light from the city illuminated the space enough for her to see. And she’d never seen anything like this suite—the furnishings were muted but luxe and light glinted on crystal and silver finishing. Then she noticed a trolley by the plump sofa.

‘The pie is already delivered?’ she asked.

‘Amazing service in this place.’

She shook her head at him. ‘Were you certain I’d say yes?’

‘If you didn’t I’d be miserable, so then I’d comfort-eat all of it myself...’

A giggle bubbled from her. She sat down on the sofa and watched as he lifted the lids, then she simply stared at the sculpture on the plate. ‘Thisis pumpkin pie?’

‘This is an award-winning pastry chef’s spin on pumpkin pie, sure.’

It didn’t look likepie. It was a gold-dusted orb with steam rising from a decorative dish below the plate. ‘How do I go about eating it?’

‘However you want.’ He showed pure amusement.

She shot him a look and picked up the small silver fork. Slicing through the smooth, perfect exterior, she marvelled at the complex layers revealed. It was such a delicateentremet, it melted in the mouth. ‘It’s exquisite...it’s...’
