She didn’t answer.

‘Andmypersonal life?’ he asked. Huskily. Desperately.

She shot him a look. ‘Won’t be any of my business,’ she muttered. ‘I don’t need to know.’

‘It’s a sacrifice,’ he said.

‘It’s a compromise.’ Her lashes lifted and she stared at him directly—properly—for the first time since he’d arrived. She stared at him with such reproach, such emotion. ‘One you need to match.’

His heart melted. God, he loved her. And he needed to step up and be worthy.

‘What if I don’t want to sacrifice anything?’ he asked. ‘What if I want it all?’

Anger flashed then. ‘You can’t have everything you want, Roman. Not this time.’

But he wanted it.Everything.With her. There was a sheen in her eyes that she couldn’t hide...

‘Won’t you want more children?’ He couldn’t stop the questions now.

‘Maybe I’llhavemore.’ Hurt made her voice higher.

‘With someone else?’ Was that what she meant?

‘Whatdo youwant?’ she demanded furiously. ‘Why are you asking me this? To torture me? Youknowthis is the best we can do.’

‘But it isn’t.’ He couldn’t resist any more. He put his hands on her waist, finally holding her again. Heaven help him, he knew he’d never ever let her go.

Violet was struggling to claw back her emotions. He was back. Why was he back? Why was he asking these questions? Didn’t he know they were tearing her heart out? While he’d been gone she’d been able to control herself enough to make a plan. But, seeing him, so much yearning, love andhurtflooded her. It was impossible to think clearly.

‘It’s not what you really want, Violet.’

What she really wanted was impossible. He’d already let her know that and he didn’t need to drag her through that denial again. ‘Leave me alone, Roman. Why are you even here?’

Because, within that flood of emotion,hopehad floated up. Stupid, foolish hope and she couldn’t stop it. She desperately hoped that he’d come back for her. Because he was holding her now. Tightly. And it was a good thing, because now she was trembling so much she wasn’t sure she could keep standing. Not alone.

‘I don’t want to be apart from you,’ he muttered huskily.

She pressed her head down and her forehead hit his chest. She couldn’t look at him. She couldn’t believe in the tenderness in his eyes. But he carefully cupped her chin and lifted her face.

‘Violet. Please listen to me.’

She closed her eyes because tears were already forming. She didn’t want to hurt any more. Nor hope. Nor wish. Not any more.

‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered. ‘I’m so, so sorry.’

‘Don’t,’ she whispered. But she began to shake even harder.

‘Don’t tell you how I feel? Don’t finally open up and admit how wrong I’ve been? What an idiot? Violet...please...please can you listen to me?’

She forced herself to hold still. To listen. Because his voice was a whisper. But it was a true whisper.

‘I shouldn’t have gone,’ he said. ‘Not after you...’ He dragged in a breath. ‘I never should have left you—’

‘You had to,’ she interrupted quickly. She couldn’t bear to remember what she’d said—her admission, his rejection. Better to focus on his sister, right? ‘How was it? How was she?’

He hesitated, then breathed again. ‘You’re going to like her, I think. She looks so much like Grandma Joan. But she doesn’t sound... Scottish accent. I’ll tell you more later. You’ll meet her soon.’ His fallen-angel frown deepened. ‘But the way I left you... The things I said...’ He closed his eyes. ‘What Ididn’tsay. I wasn’t thinking. Wasn’t coping. Violet...’

She waited this time, not filling the silence. Not trying to make it easier for him. Not trying to run from the depth of the emotion that swirled between them. It had to be acknowledged—and released. He needed the space, the time, to speak when he was ready. His eyes flashed open, he gazed right at her and she realised he finally was.