‘Are you going to go to your party?’ she asked.

‘I don’t think so, no.’

‘You’re avoiding socialising.’

‘I think that’s best. Yes.’

She frowned. ‘Not necessarily best.’

‘You’re a romantic who believes in connection. In hope.’

‘You’re a cynic. Born alone, live alone, die alone.’

‘Oh, sure, strike the blade home. I knew you were dangerous.’ He opened the door to the taxi and stood back for her to get in. ‘The cab will take you wherever you need to go. No matter the distance, the fare’s covered.’

‘You don’t need to do that.’ But she couldn’t afford the cab fare herself, and there was a scaredy-cat bit in her that didn’t want to walk these streets alone. Not with all the zombie vampires running around grabbing all the cabs first.

‘No. But I want to.’

‘And you always do what you want.’

His smile flashed, illuminating his face, making his fascinating eyes sparkle. ‘I’m afraid I do.’

‘Why be afraid to admit that?’ she challenged him. ‘Life’s too short not to take what you want.’

‘You take what you want?’ He looked sceptical.

He was right to because, no, she didn’t. She was still working up the courage.

‘You’re too sweet to walk these streets alone—certainly this late at night,’ he said. ‘If you’re not careful, real demons might jump out and bite.’

‘They’ll regret it if they do. Maybe I’m not assweetor as soft as I look.’

‘Is that so?’

‘Don’t patronise me.’

‘Don’t tempt me.’ He sent her a scorching look and lifted his hand to cup her jaw. ‘This...?’

She held her breath, insanely happy to be close to him again.

‘Not a good idea, Angel. Not for you.’

Anger flared. ‘What makes you say that?’ Protectiveness? That she didnotneed. ‘You don’t know anything about me. I don’t want or needprotectionfrom you.’

She’d never pushed before. Never been brazen. She’d never wanted to. But this was midnight, this was Halloween and she was away from home, finally free to assert herself. She was in a dreamscape with a fallen angel at her feet.

His lips twisted into a beautiful, broken smile. ‘Of course you do. Everybody does.’



ROMANFRASERSTALKEDthrough the empty atrium. He’d returned after just over three weeks visiting the major city offices of the Fraser empire this morning, and then had worked through another nationwide festival, catching up on things he’d missed while away. The offices had been pleasingly devoid of life the whole day. Everyone else was with family or friends. He figured they’d have watched the parade—plus highlights on repeat—feasted, had fun and be stretched out on sofas in food comas by now. He grimaced. Fortunately, work provided a never-ending list of things to focus on.

Except one thing kept rising to the top of that damned list. She wasn’t angel or demon, elf or ghost, yet ever since Halloween she’d haunted his days and nights. One petite brunette in red velvet with breathless chatter and a smile that reached places he’d thought safely sealed for good.
