She’s gone.

‘Violet?’ Surely she wouldn’t go out in the middle of the night? Why would she?

Fear...irrational, uncontrollable fear...surged. He strode outside, uncaring that he was dressed only in his trousers and shirt. The almost moonless sky emphasised the infinite number of stars stretching above him. He peered into the shadows, the snow-laden trees. Why would she have gone? Where? Had she been alone or had she been taken? He went down the stairs to the path. How could he not have noticed? How had he not woken? Why hadn’t he done anything? His whole body was shaking now.


He hadn’t been able to stop his sister from disappearing. Now Violet had gone too. What kind of father was he going to make? What kind ofbrotherhad he been?

He paced around, finally spotting footprints in the snow, and a return set. He went back in to the lodge. He checked the reception room. The lights were still glowing on the tree. He went beyond to the kitchen and had to put a hand out to the doorjamb. She was there. She had her back to him. She was in those ridiculous red Christmas pyjamas. She had a couple of plates on the counter in front of her.

‘What are you doing?’ he muttered.

But she didn’t respond.

He stepped closer and put his hand to her shoulder. ‘Violet?’

She was startled, her eyes widening. ‘Roman?’

‘I’ve been calling you.’ He sagged against the counter as he realised. ‘You have your earphones in.’

She pulled the little wireless buds out of her ears. ‘I was listening to my family’s Christmas message.’

Her what?

‘The front door is open,’ he said confusedly. ‘I thought...’

She stared at him for a long moment. ‘That I’d gone?’ She slowly shook her head. ‘I went outside to get a photo of the lodge. You know, with the lights, under the stars in the snow. Have you seen how beautiful it looks? I forgot to do it earlier. But Bruce got out. I thought I’d leave the door open for him to come back in.’

‘You could have got lost.’

‘I didn’t go any further from where I could see the lodge. It was too cold.’

Roman couldn’t make sense of it. ‘And now you’re eating? At three in the morning?’

She looked embarrassed. ‘I didn’t eat much last night and I couldn’t sleep, my stomach was rumbling so loud. I’m surprised it didn’t wake you. But you werereallyasleep.’ She cleared her throat. ‘I forgot to phone my family last night. I was distracted. But it’s Christmas Day there, so I sent them a photo of the lodge. I hope that’s okay.’

He nodded.

‘They’ve been sending some silly videos back.’

His throat felt tight. ‘Did you tell them about the pregnancy?’

‘I didn’t think it was an appropriate time. It’ll be better to tell them in person.’

He stared, barely processing what she’d told him. The relief? It didn’t come. He needed physical proof—not just to see with his own eyes but feel with his own fingers that she was safe and well. But he couldn’t seem to move.

She lightly pressed the back of her hand to his cheek. ‘You’re freezing, Roman.’ Concern etched deeper in her eyes. ‘How long were you out there looking for me?’

It had felt like for ever. And he’d have felt a fool if he didn’t feel so damn feverish. Maybe itwasthe flu—or just the remnants of the night terror that had morphed into a mess tonight. The past, the present and the future were all muddled up. She’d been gone. Tonight of all nights. A desperate wave of emotion shook him.

‘Roman, you need to warm up.’

Both her hands were on his forehead now, smoothing the frown. But he was frozen.

She bit her lip. ‘Maybe you ought to go in that hot tub.’

‘No.’ He shook his head. ‘You can’t while you’re pregnant.’