‘I’m avoiding people.’

‘You don’t like people?’

‘Let me guess—you do.’

‘Sure. Especially when it’s holiday nights. Customers give big tips to people working on a holiday.’

The topaz in his eye glittered. ‘Not so angelic after all.’

‘Not completely naïve.’ Contrary to what people always thought. ‘I’m working in retail, but I’m going to get a position as a travel guide, and holidays are the best.’

His eyebrows lifted. ‘You’re going to be a guide in a country that’s not your own?’

‘Why can’t that work? I’ve discovered lots of things and can pass on the tricks. Plus, I know what a lot of tourists like to see and do because I am one. And it’s a way of seeing the country myself.’

He was staring at her and his expression was grim. She didn’t know why he’d returned to serious and grumpy.

‘I’m talking too much again.’ She grimaced.

‘Did I say that?’

‘You didn’t need to. I read your expression.’

‘Then you read it wrong. I wasn’t thinking that. I have—’

‘A resting grumpy face?’

‘A what?’

‘Well, maybe not grumpy, as much as closed off,’ she revised.

‘Closed. Right.’ He drew breath. ‘Well, you were wrong. I was enjoying listening to you. You have a delightful way of rolling your “r”s.’

‘The Southland roll.’ She nodded.

‘The what?’

‘Very bottom of the South Island,’ she explained. ‘It’s a regional thing.’

‘What is?’

‘The Southland rolling of the “r”.’

‘Right. The bottom, huh?’

‘Of theisland.’ She shot him a look.

His smile returned, widened—and devastating.

It was hereyesthat she rolled this time. ‘I’m going to be quiet now.’

‘Is that even possible?’


His gaze dropped to her mouth and she felt a shiver of sensation, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking about how she could be quietened. By being silenced by his mouth, with his smile upon hers. But he shook his head again, and now there was a self-mocking smile on his face. Then there was distance. Too much distance.

She watched as he hailed a taxi. So much for transport being a problem at this time of night.