‘This is the reception room.’ He led her through vast double doors.

‘Oh, my.’ Violet turned on the spot. ‘My mother would melt in a heap at the sight of this room.’ She shot him a sideways look. ‘How did they get the lights so perfectly strung on those trees? How did they findthreesuch perfect trees?’

‘I thought you weren’t that into Christmas.’ Roman looked both amused and wistful.

‘So did I. But it turns out I’m fickle like that...because this isbeautiful.’

‘There’s mistletoe.’

‘There’s also...’ She suddenly froze, staring beneath the central tree, too scared to move. ‘Is that a bobcat or something?’

There was literally a giant ginger beast skulking out from beneath the Christmas tree and heading towards them with a murderous gleam in its eyes.

Roman burst out laughing. ‘That is Linda’s cat, Bruce.’

‘That’s acat? He looks...’ Where were the words? ‘Majestic. Really majestic. And terrifying. He’s huge.’

‘Stop, you’ll inflate his ego. He already thinks he owns the place.’

Violet watched the enormous cat leisurely stretch then stroll towards Roman, imperiously allowing him to scratch beneath his ears. It was obviously something he’d done many times before.

‘Of course he does,’ Violet muttered.

She was blown away. This was a place that was ahome. This had photos of his family.

‘Do you spend much time here?’ She couldn’t contain her curiosity.

‘I come skiing for a week, later in January. To check in on Linda and Dennis and make sure they have all they need to keep the place up.’

Just one week in the whole year? She would have been here so much more than that. ‘What other properties do you have to keep up?’

‘There’s a big house in upstate New York. An apartment in Manhattan.’

‘But you stay in that hotel when you’re there.’

‘It’s nearer to the office.’

And it was opulent. But it was also impersonal. Unlike this place, which was utterly opulent but alsoverypersonal.

‘Everything is ready upstairs for you, Roman.’ Linda reappeared.

‘Thanks, Linda.’ But he turned away as his phone pinged. ‘One moment.’

‘Thank you so much for welcoming me,’ Violet said shyly to Linda. ‘I’m sorry we’re a surprise arrival on such a busy day for you.’

‘No, I’m thrilled you’re here. Especially that he’s brought you. He’s never...’ Linda smiled awkwardly.

Violet just nodded. She didn’t want to ask the older woman anything private. That wouldn’t be fair on her or on Roman. But Linda stilled, her expression serious.

‘He’s not been here for Christmas since the accident. I never thought...’ Linda looked at Violet with worried eyes. ‘Should the ball still go ahead?’

Violet was theleastqualified person to make that call. ‘It sounds like it’s a really important tradition.’

‘But for Roman, Christmas Eve is—’

‘Still Christmas Eve,’ Violet said gently. But he wanted space and she needed something to do. ‘Can I help at all?’ She turned to Linda impulsively. ‘I’d really love to be able to help.’

Linda’s expression widened. ‘You’re...’