He scoffed. ‘You were worried just yesterday about the stewards knowing. You care.’

‘I care much more about whatyouthink about me. Because if we’re going to work together—and the word iswork—then we need to trust each other.’

‘Right. So can you trust my experience in dealing with this?’

She sat still, remembering his response when he’d first found out yesterday that she was pregnant. His immediate reaction had been raw and primal. That first instinct had been to believe her. It was only now he’d had time tothinkthat he was doubting her. She didn’t really mind that his lawyers would want evidence but she wanted to know why he was suddenly cautious and so careful to give it to them.

‘Can you tell me what that experience actually is?’ she asked. ‘Have you been in this position before?’

‘Not this exact position.’ He drew in an irritated breath. ‘But I don’t want you to be attacked.’

She didn’t think this was about that. There was something more bothering him. ‘How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t need your protection?’

‘You’re naïve to think that you won’t. Violet, I’m one of the wealthiest men in the country, if not the world. People find out you’re pregnant with my child, you’re a target for abduction. Or worse.’

‘You’re trying to scare me.’ And distract her from whatever hisactualexperience was. He needed evidence. Proof. Certainty. Why?

‘Yes. Because I’m trying to make you see sense. You want to walk away from me? You’re going to need a bodyguard. You were right when you said we lived in different worlds.’

‘But you don’t need to drag me fully into yours. I can still be independent. You know that.’

‘You can’t live on the other side of the world from me. I can’t let that happen. I can’t let you out of my sight.’

She stared at him. ‘Yoursight?’

He rolled his shoulders. ‘I’m sorry. It’s not negotiable for me.’

‘You want to completely control my life!’ She blinked, confused. This wasn’t the understanding man she’d opened up to only yesterday—who’d encouraged her to speak honestly. The generous one who only minutes ago had done everything in his power to make her shake with unbridled ecstasy. ‘Why? What’s happened?’

His reaction seemed so extreme. She took in the tired expression in his eyes, the desolate edge to his voice. This was more than him being tired from their night together. It was that dream—or nightmare—she’d caught him having last night. He’d barely been sleeping. There was something going on. Something beyond her. And he needed to let her in on it.

But he wouldn’t look at her and he didn’t answer her. It hurt. She’d been honest with him yesterday. She’d trusted him on many levels. She’d thought the barriers were coming down and they were truly getting to know each other. But they weren’t at all.Hewas still so very reserved.

‘Tell you what, Roman. I will marry you,’ she said. ‘In fact, I’ll marry you this second if that’s what you want. Go get Colson. He’s probably got his celebrant’s certificate or something.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘On what condition?’

Because he knew there was one. It couldn’t be that she’d realised her love for him.

And he was right.

‘That there’s no pre-nuptial contract,’ she said.

He stiffened and just stared at her.

‘No pre-nup. No lawyers. Nothing.’ She leaned closer to him, suddenly confident. ‘Which could mean I’d stay married to you for as long as I could be bothered and then grab as much of your money and assets as possible.’

‘Out of respect for my employees, you know I can’t agree to that.’

‘No? Because of your employees, you say?’


‘I believe we’re at an impasse.’ She cut him off. ‘You won’t marry me without a pre-nup. I won’t marry youwithone. What are we going to do?’

His jaw locked. ‘You’re going to get it together and be sensible.’

‘Or maybe you’re going to get it together and realise you can trust me. Just a little, Roman. Right now you don’t trust me enough to even tell me what’s going on with you!’ she said angrily. ‘So why on earth would Ieveragree to marry you?’